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acnh_critterpedia 1.0.1

ACNH Critterpedia is a CLI application that allows searching for critters and their ava...

1 966 Téléchargements

acnh_informations 0.1.3

Get things informations from Animal Crossing New Horizons using W...

4 252 Téléchargements

acnh_villager 0.1.1

Generates info about Animal Crossing New Horizons villagers.

2 613 Téléchargements

acoc 0.7.1

`acoc` is a regular expression based colour formatter for programs that display output ...

5 734 Téléchargements

acop 1.0.2

A gem to enforce webpage accessibility'

24 653 Téléchargements

acopy 0.1.1

Auto copy tool

16 236 Téléchargements

ACORD 0.0.0

A Ruby toolbox for implementing the specifications of the Association for Cooperative O...

5 688 Téléchargements

acordion 0.dev0.2

ACORDion is a collection of utilities for building and parsing ACORD XML documents.

4 739 Téléchargements

acorn 0.1.0

A DSL for seed.rb

10 596 Téléchargements

acorn_cache 0.2.0

AcornCache is a Ruby HTTP proxy caching library that is lightweight, configurable and c...

9 425 Téléchargements

acorns-rds-auth 1.0.2

Get credentials for acorns

6 418 Téléchargements

acos_client 0.2.1.pre.alpha

Port Python A10network AxAPI client to Ruby

6 605 Téléchargements

acos_jekyll_openapi_helper 1.4.5

A gem to generate page entries for jekyll sites

18 773 Téléchargements

acouchi 0.0.14

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

117 987 Téléchargements

acoustid-api 0.0.1

A simple HTTP interface to the API.

5 057 Téléchargements

acoustikinesis 0.1.1

This gem will create audio out of now where

878 Téléchargements

acpc_dealer 3.1.1

Annual Computer Poker Competition Dealer

168 210 Téléchargements

acpc_dealer_data 1.0.0

ACPC Dealer data

105 615 Téléchargements

acpc_poker_basic_proxy 3.2.2

Basic proxy to connect to the ACPC Dealer.

84 242 Téléchargements

acpc_poker_match_state 2.2.1

Match state data manager.

88 472 Téléchargements

acpc_poker_player_proxy 1.6.7

A smart proxy for a poker player that connects to the ACPC Dealer and manages match sta...

109 599 Téléchargements

acpc_poker_types 7.8.6

Poker classes and constants that conform to the standards of the Annual Computer Poker ...

369 819 Téléchargements

acpc_table_manager 4.0.2

Backend components to the ACPC Poker GUI Client. Includes a player that saves states fr...

114 995 Téléchargements

acp_palindrome 0.2.0

Lear Enough Ruby palindrome detector

1 046 Téléchargements

acquia-cloud 0.5.8

Bindings to the Acquia Cloud API.

73 950 Téléchargements

acquia_sdk_ruby 0.0.2

A Ruby based SDK for interacting with the Acquia Hosting platform

7 870 Téléchargements

acquia_toolbelt 2.4.1

The Acquia Toolbelt allows you to interact with the Acquia Cloud API via the CLI.

71 407 Téléchargements

acquire_stockinfo_from_yahoo 0.0.5

It will acquire a stock infomations form yahoofinance, although I am very sorry to Yahoo!.

23 177 Téléchargements

acrawriter 1.0.3

Acra helps you easily secure your databases in distributed, microservice-rich environme...

7 709 Téléchargements

acread 0.6.2

An ActiveRecord Extension to deprecate attributes

59 719 Téléchargements