active_stomp 0.0.1
ActiveStomp allows to abstract the Stomp protocol
5.230 Descargas
activestorage 8.0.1
Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
348.208.849 Descargas
activestorage-after_analyze_attached 0.1.0
This gem extends ActiveStorage to provide an after_analyze callback that gets triggered...
234 Descargas
activestorage-aliyun 1.2.0
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
83.099 Descargas
activestorage-aliyun-oss 0.1.1
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
4.475 Descargas
activestorage-audio 0.1.0
Audio analyzer for uploaded files using ffprobe
55.264 Descargas
activestorage-autobots 0.1.0
Enables ActiveStorage variants for other file types than images,such as audio or video ...
2.188 Descargas
activestorage-backblaze 0.0.5
activestorage-backblaze is for using backblaze b2 with activestorage in rails 5.2
17.748 Descargas
active_storage_base64 3.0.0
Base64 support for ActiveStorage
1.745.365 Descargas
active_storage-blurhash 0.1.3
Use blurhashes to lazy load ActiveStorage images
1.095 Descargas
active_storage_bunny 1.0.1
ActiveStorageBunny is a gem that integrates BunnyCDN storage services with Active Storage.
853 Descargas
activestorage-cascade 0.2.0
Allows to use two services, primary and secondary for ActiveStorage
13.730 Descargas
activestorage-clamav-analyzer 0.1.0
Add ActiveStorage Analyzer class to perform ClamAV virus scans on ActiveStorage::Bl...
1.403 Descargas
activestorage-cloudinary-service 0.2.3
Rails ActiveStorage adapter for cloudinary
116.969 Descargas
active_storage-cloud_transformations 0.3.0
Generate ActiveStorage Variants and Previews via external cloud services, rather than o...
5.107 Descargas
activestorage_database 2.1
Store ActiveStorage attachments inside the database.
11.178 Descargas
active_storage_db 1.3.1
An ActiveStorage service plugin to store files in database.
44.343 Descargas
activestorage-delayed 0.3.7
Ruby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background
12.072 Descargas
activestorage-digitalocean 0.0.1
A library for interacting with DigitalOcean Spaces through ActiveStorage
4.875 Descargas
activestorage_direct_disk 0.3.2
This gem allows to serve ActiveStorage uploads directly without signature.
13.723 Descargas
active_storage_drag_and_drop 1.1.0
Provides a form helper to make it easy to make drag and drop file upload fields that wo...
74.723 Descargas
activestorage-dropbox 2.0.0
Wraps the Dropbox Storage Service as an Active Storage service -
7.732 Descargas
activestorage-dummy 0.1.1
Dummy placeholders as an Active Storage service.
4.528 Descargas
activestorage-exif-analyzer 0.1.0
Add ActiveStorage Analyzer class to extract EXIF data from supported images.
5.875 Descargas
active-storage-ftp 0.1.4
Active Storage FTP Service.
12.285 Descargas
activestorage-ftp 0.1.0
FTP Active Storage service.
2.902 Descargas
activestorage_google_drive 0.1.1
Wraps the Google Drive service as an Active Storage service.
2.159 Descargas
activestorage-horcrux 0.0.4
Splits uploads using Shamir Secret Sharing across one or more other Active Storage serv...
7.245 Descargas
activestorage-imgur 1.0.1
An ActiveStorage driver for storing images on Imgur hosting.
4.862 Descargas
activestorage-ipfs 0.0.2
A ActiveStorage Service
4.505 Descargas