active_record_doctor 1.15.0
Identify database issues before they hit production.
3.623.667 Descargas
activerecord-dowsing 1.0.0
Add comment where is it called in your sql automatically. It's useful for code reading.
3.136 Descargas
activerecord-draft_records 0.5.1
Sometimes it's necessary to store incomplete records, without fullfilling all validatio...
61.396 Descargas
activerecord-dsql-adapter 0.1.4
ActiveRecord adapter for AWS Aurora DSQL (PostgreSQL)
707 Descargas
activerecord-duplicate 0.6.1
Duplicating ActiveRecords is easy again.
60.133 Descargas
activerecord_dynamic_scope 1.0.1
Handling dynamic scope for ActiveRecord.
1.058 Descargas
activerecord-dynamic_timeout 0.0.1
ActiveRecord extension for dynamically setting connection timeouts
43.396 Descargas
activerecord-ejection_seat 0.3.2
When working with ActiveRecord models, sometimes you want to eject to a simpler, safer ...
3.427 Descargas
activerecord-embedding 0.0.1
Adds MongoMapper embeds_many style behavior to ActiveRecord
9.391 Descargas
active_record_encoding 0.10.1
Library to monkey-patch ActiveRecord and add some Unicode awareness
10.422 Descargas
active_record_encrypted_string 1.4.0
Generates encrypted_string type that transparently encrypt and decrypt string value to ...
25.866 Descargas
active_record_encryption 1.0.0
Provides transparent encryption for ActiveRecord. You can protect your data with any en...
425.285 Descargas
activerecord-endoscope 0.0.3
Endoscope enables scope to apply to model instance
13.333 Descargas
activerecord-enhancedsqlite3-adapter 0.8.0
Back-ports generated column support, deferred foreign key support, custom foreign key s...
21.601 Descargas
activerecord_enum 0.4.1
Adds the ENUM data type natively to ActiveRecord.
81.598 Descargas
activerecord-enumerated_model 0.1.2
Creates an enumeration of constants that contain ActiveRecord rows for a static model
9.214 Descargas
active_record_enumerated_type 0.0.5
Enumerated types for ActiveRecord attributes
42.296 Descargas
activerecord-enumerations 0.0.2
Extends ActiveRecord with enumeration capabilites.
17.497 Descargas
activerecord-enum_sti 0.1.0
This gem allows you to use enum value as a STI type value easily.
2.155 Descargas
activerecord-enum_translation 0.2.1
Provides integration between ActiveRecord::Enum and I18n.
11.747 Descargas
active_record-enum_with_label 0.1.3
ActiveRecord::EnumWithLabel adds label and more to ActiveRecord::Base.enum.
10.139 Descargas
activerecord-enum-without-methods 1.0.0
This gem does the same as ActiveRecord::Base#enum but does not define enum_value? and e...
19.092 Descargas
active_recorder 0.1.0
The gem creates a view, controller and routes to allow Rails developers to see their Ac...
3.446 Descargas
ActiveRecorder 0.1.5
The gem creates a view, controller and routes to allow Rails developers to see their Ac...
15.072 Descargas
active_record-errors-localize 0.1.1
Deafault ActiveRecord::Errors class doesn't localize erorr messages. In some cases, we ...
4.406 Descargas
activerecord_eternal_validator 0.1.1
ActiveRecord validator, which prevent change column on update
4.797 Descargas
active_record_events 0.0.3
Broadcasts lifecycle events (create, update, destroy) for ActiveRecord models
11.379 Descargas
active_record-events 4.1.2
An ActiveRecord extension providing convenience methods for timestamp management.
66.246 Descargas
active-record-ex 0.2.2
A library to make ActiveRecord::Relations even more awesome
15.150 Descargas
activerecord-except 0.1.0
Provides `ActiveRecord::Relation#except`, a convenience method that let's you select al...
2.224 Descargas