RubyGems Navigation menu


avrodrome 0.1.1

An in memory drop in replacement for an Avro Schema Registry

9.278 Descargas

avro-jruby 1.7.5

Avro is a data serialization and RPC format

4.764 Descargas

avrolution 0.9.0

Support for the evolution of Avro schemas stored in a schema registry.

135.008 Descargas

avro_machine 0.0.1

EventMachine server for Avro

4.016 Descargas

avromatic 5.2.0

Generate Ruby models from Avro schemas

3.676.238 Descargas

avro-patches 1.0.2

Patches for the official Apache Avro Ruby implementation

3.213.664 Descargas

avro_pinions 1.0.0

Opinionated way to use AVRO in Ruby

2.573 Descargas

avro-registered-schema-decoder 0.1.1

Provides a decoder for messages encoded as "prefixed Avro", where the binary Avro encod...

6.745 Descargas

avro-resolution_canonical_form 0.6.0

Unique identification of Avro schemas for schema resolution

3.415.730 Descargas


Avro is a data serialization and RPC format. This release contains the changes submitte...

26.271 Descargas

avro_schema_registry-client 0.5.0

Client for the avro-schema-registry app

3.495.140 Descargas

avro_turf 1.18.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

10.066.599 Descargas

avro_turf_enchanced 0.7.4

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

5.708 Descargas

avro_utils 0.3.0

A gem to convert different data format to avro

8.655 Descargas

avro-wrapper 0.0.2

Wrapper for Avro

7.343 Descargas

avruby 0.5.1

An AVR emulator, in Ruby. This was written just for fun, to understand AVR.

1.830 Descargas

avrubykit 0.2

Ruby utility libraries

10.348 Descargas

avrupload 0.1.0

avrupload enforces certain TTY settings before uploading hex files using avrdude

2.625 Descargas

avs 0.1.3

A description of your project

2.228 Descargas

a_vs_an 0.1.0

Library to determine the indefinite article of words.

91.653 Descargas

avsd 0.0.3

Avsd recommends items based on input items.

6.245 Descargas

avski-common-utils 0.1.4

Centering my tools

8.168 Descargas

avst-cloud 0.1.42

Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers

74.869 Descargas

avst_multi_logger 0.0.3

Extends ruby logger, adds multiple sources and log summary

6.278 Descargas

avst-wizard 0.0.43


44.808 Descargas

avv2word 1.1.39

Convert avv to word docx document.

73.230 Descargas

avvo_api 0.2.1

An ActiveResource client to the Avvo API

18.680 Descargas

aw 0.2.1

Creates a sub-process to execute a block inside, and returns what it returns.

51.462 Descargas

awair 0.0.5

Publish Awair sensor data to mqtt

6.389 Descargas

awais_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector

2.646 Descargas