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awestruct-ibeams 0.4.3

Collection of helpful Awestruct extensions and helpers

320.145 Descargas

awestructx 0.4.1

Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites.

11.859 Descargas

awetestlib 1.2.4

Features robust and flexible reporting.

256.891 Descargas

awful 0.0.185

AWS cmdline and yaml loader.

438.166 Descargas

aw-highstock_rails 7.0.3

Wrapper for Highstock charting plugin

2.924 Descargas

awhyte-rtex 2.1.3

LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin

6.799 Descargas

awis4ruby 0.9.0

== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Up-to-date Ruby client * Allows simple access to most popular ...

8.480 Descargas

awis-sdk-ruby 2.1.0

Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)

121.891 Descargas


Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)

3.600 Descargas

awis-wrapper 3.0.0

Easy to use, to navigate around the response

27.714 Descargas

awkward 1.0.0

Awkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for viewing in ...

5.812 Descargas

awkward_turtle 0.0.4

An animated awkward turtle for your terminal

22.470 Descargas

awlify 0.0.2

this takes a string, searching for any words that have AWL synonyms, then randomly subs...

3.549 Descargas

awl_tags_twitter 1.0.2

Grab tags from The Awl posts and tweet them out. This isn't anything crazy

13.053 Descargas

awonwon 0.0.2

Try To Make A Ruby Gem

7.009 Descargas

awoo 0.0.0

A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.

2.628 Descargas

awrence 2.0.1

Have you ever needed to automatically convert Ruby-style snake_case to CamelCase or cam...

21.251.997 Descargas

awry 0.1.0


1.836 Descargas

aws 2.10.2

AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services including EC2, S3, SQS, Simpl...

3.013.569 Descargas

aws2sshconfig 0.0.1

Generate SSH configs from AWS info

3.724 Descargas

aws2-ssm-env 0.1.1

Set parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.

2.618 Descargas

aws3upload 1.0.7

Simple aws s3 upload app

18.925 Descargas

aws4 0.0.2

The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body

210.733 Descargas

aws4-nycda 0.0.1

The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body

3.318 Descargas

aws4_signer 0.2.1

Simple signer module implements AWS4 signature

41.027 Descargas

aws_access_key_scan 0.1

Scans your computer for easy to find AWS Access Keys

4.202 Descargas

aws_account_number 0.3.1

You can get AWS Account Number by AWS API

10.986 Descargas

aws_account_utils 0.1.4

A set of helper methods that are webdriven.

10.893 Descargas

awsadm 0.1.1

Manage your AWS resources from the command-line.

4.208 Descargas

aws_agcod 0.1.0

Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for ...

138.066 Descargas