RubyGems Navigation menu


autocuke 0.1.1

Autocuke uses EventMachine to watch your .feature files, then automatically runs cucumb...

9.906 Descargas

auto_data 0.1.4

Manage Test and configuration data for any automated test project.

9.584 Descargas

autodata-acts_as_versioned 0.3.1

Simple versioning with active record models

6.291 Descargas

autodata-foreign-domain-routing 1.0.4

This version of foreign_domain_routing merges foreign_domain_routing with request_routing

4.045 Descargas

auto_db 0.0.0


1.787 Descargas

auto_define_scope 0.1.12

Auto defined scopes filterrific needs.

30.365 Descargas

auto_demeter 0.0.12

Create automated methods for all children or parents to allow a request to be handled m...

33.187 Descargas

autodeploy 0.0.9

A simple daemon that checks and downloads assets from Jenkins

22.335 Descargas

auto-deploy-test 0.1.19

A simple project to test auto building and release using GitHub and Travis-CI. The goal...

44.141 Descargas

autodeps 0.0.2


7.536 Descargas

autodesk_backburner_client 0.3.6

Autodesk Backburner client

24.565 Descargas

autodesk_forge 0.0.0

Ruby Client for the Autodesk Forge API

2.411 Descargas

autodiff 0.1.0

Gradient Function is one of the crucial backbone of many ML algorithms. This Lib help g...

2.231 Descargas

autodiscover 1.0.2

The Autodiscover Service provides information about a Microsoft Exchange environment su...

127.320 Descargas

autodoc 0.8.0

Auto-generate JSON API documents from your request-specs.

2.351.872 Descargas

autodoc-grape 0.1.3

Autodoc for Grape API specs.

12.020 Descargas

auto_draft 0.0.0

A gem that created groups out of a list

2.885 Descargas

autodrop 1.0.0

Automatic iptables DROP daemon

8.109 Descargas

auto_elasticache 1.0.2

Automatically start and configure an AWS ElastiCache cluster from an Elastic Beanstalk ...

8.185 Descargas

auto-emo 1.0.0

Sometimes, you just need a whole lot of generated emo poetry

5.948 Descargas

auto_emote 0.0.0

Automatically replaces emoticons with images

5.427 Descargas

autoeq_loader 0.1

AutoEQLoader loads AutoEQ measurements and makes audio filters.

535 Descargas

auto_error 0.0.18

AutoError is a mountable engine for Rails 4.0+ which provides an 'exceptions_app' w...

57.563 Descargas

autoevernote 0.1.0.alpha.1

A set of recipes for programatically getting stuff into Evernote

2.355 Descargas

auto_excerpt 0.7.1

Create excerpts from html formatted text. HTML tags are automatically closed.

27.436 Descargas

autoexec_bat 0.1.1

Autoexecution of javascript based on data attribute

18.478 Descargas

autoexpreso 2.0.0

Non-official Ruby library and CLI application.

24.657 Descargas


Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between cla...

5.987 Descargas

auto-facebook 0.42

Auto Mount Facebook Login

17.434 Descargas

autofire 0.1.0

Autoire api wrapper

3.553 Descargas