associationist 0.2.3
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
68.208 Descargas
association_matcher 0.0.1
Use reflection to spec ActiveRecord associations
2.600 Descargas
association_object 0.0.2
Define ActiveRecord associations through association objects, which can implement custo...
283 Descargas
association_observers 0.0.6
This is an alternative implementation of the observer pattern. As you may know, Ruby (a...
16.525 Descargas
association_reflections 0.1.0
This gem lets you access form parameters in your model.
5.187 Descargas
association-reporter 0.0.1
Detailed reports for Active Record Associations
3.152 Descargas
association_scope 0.4.0
AssociationScope adds useful scopes targeting Associations in ActiveRecord.
10.000 Descargas
Provides functionality to specify fields to preload for ActiveRecord associations.
278 Descargas
association-soft-build 0.0.3
ActiveRecord plugin which provides the possibility to build an association without affe...
9.362 Descargas
association_validator 0.6.1
Rails 3 assocation validation for id fields
28.012 Descargas
associative_memory 0.2.2
This is a ruby gem that lets you implement categorization systems with ease. Associati...
13.299 Descargas
associator 0.2.0
Associate any model to any model.
18.370 Descargas
associo 0.1.0
Implements an easy to use GridFS API for MongoMapper.
2.939 Descargas
assoc_whisperer 2.1.0
Input associated models directly by id
37.680 Descargas
ass_ole 0.3.0
Provides features for easy access to 1C:Enterprise applications and 1C:Enterprise serve...
11.378 Descargas
ass_ole-app_extension 0.2.0
Features for hot plug a ConfigurationExtension to 1C:Enterprise application instance (a...
6.449 Descargas
ass_ole-snippets-shared 0.5.0
Shared snippets for ass_ole gem
17.637 Descargas
assonnato 0.8.2
RESTful wrapper gem for Pigro's APIs
47.323 Descargas
assorted 0.0.3
Add sorting scopes `asc` and `desc` to your ActiveRecord models.
24.199 Descargas
assplecake-RedCloth 4.2.10
Textile parser for Ruby with auto_link support.
31.163 Descargas
ass_tests 2.0.0.alpha
It make possible to write tests for 1C:Enterprise on Ruby easy. Access to 1C runtime vi...
5.623 Descargas
assume 0.1.1
Assume is an assert library with a better name
2.738 Descargas
assumer 0.4.2
Allows for single or double-jumps through AWS accounts in order to assume a role in a t...
5.382 Descargas
assumption 0.2.1
A Command-line-interface music chart game where the user has to make a assumption if a ...
6.555 Descargas
ass_updater 0.1.3
Wrapper for 1C configuration updates service
8.205 Descargas
assure 1.0.1
Adds assure and internal_error methods
27.400 Descargas
ast 2.4.2
A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.
493.059.449 Descargas
ast2dot 0.1.1
AbstractSyntaxTree to Dot file.
4.005 Descargas
astaire 0.3.0
Allows the use of get, post, put, and delete to define actions and then allows the cont...
16.176 Descargas
astapor 0.0.3
Serf event router. Ported from
10.957 Descargas