RubyGems Navigation menu


ar_null_false_generator 0.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4.163 Descargas

ar-octopus 0.10.2

This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

8.224.293 Descargas


This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

4.081 Descargas

ar-octopus-replication-tracking 0.1.5

This gem allows you to find replication position with Octopus

4.829 Descargas

ar-octopus-ruby-3 0.11.3

This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

8.489 Descargas

aroi 1.0.0

ActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects

1.112.759 Descargas

arolitec_sms 0.1.2

Ruby HTTP client to interact with Arolitec SMS Gateway.

3.933 Descargas

arom_2016_gem 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3.511 Descargas

aromat 1.4.3

Provides a few extensions to the Ruby core libraries

45.830 Descargas

ar-ondemand 1.3.2

Fast access to database results without the memory overhead of ActiveRecord objects

210.685 Descargas

ar_oo_select 0.5.0

A little gem that lets you execute lower-level ActiveRecord queries and access the resu...

6.147 Descargas

ar_openid_store 0.0.1

Merb plugin that provides ...

11.900 Descargas

ar_orderable 0.1.0

ar_orderable adds a consistent way to order results at database level using ActiveRecor...

6.009 Descargas

ar-orderable 1.0.7

You can order AR records and skip callbacks

33.720 Descargas

around 0.0.1

Redefine existing methods while calling their previous version by another name. No boil...

6.039 Descargas

aroundhome_cops 7.0.0

Dependency and configuration for rubocop.

15.835 Descargas

around_method 0.1.0

Ruby gem for method composition

2.580 Descargas

around_the_world 0.29.3

A metaprogramming module which allows you to wrap any method easily

245.842 Descargas

ar_outer_joins 0.2.0

Adds the missing outer_joins method to ActiveRecord

2.214.493 Descargas

arow 0.0.1

A pure ruby implementation of the AROW

5.084 Descargas

arp 0.0.1

Retrieve the content of the ARP cache

5.947 Descargas

arpa 0.3.0

Authorization Gem for Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects

29.003 Descargas

arpad 0.0.1

A lightweight gem that calculates elo

3.888 Descargas

ar_pagination 0.0.7

Pagination for Rails controllers.

11.955 Descargas

arpdb 0.2.3

This is VERY raw, version 1.0.0 is expected to be first usable implementation.

30.764 Descargas

arpeggio 0.1.2

Arpeggio lets you view the notes and intervals of a given scale and mode in the CLI

4.837 Descargas

arperftoolkit_base 0.0.1

ActiveRecord enhancements to optimize queries and insertion functionality. Includes sup...

5.955 Descargas

ar_pg_array 0.11.2

ar_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[] etc....

137.634 Descargas

arpg-roles 0.0.1

Use a Postgres array column to manage a model's roles

2.771 Descargas

arpie 0.1.0

Toolkit for handling binary data, network protocols, file formats, and similar

35.227 Descargas