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actionkit_connector 0.4.1

A gem for interacting with the ActionKit API.

33.672 Descargas

action_kit_rest 0.4.10

Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API

70.953 Descargas

action_labels 0.0.1

A collection of helpers to easily created internationalized crud links without bugging ...

5.765 Descargas

actionlimiter 1.0.0

Redis backed token bucket rate limting implementation.

4.801 Descargas

action_link 0.1.1

Every action has an icon, such as a "plus-sign" for the "new" action

387 Descargas

action_links 0.4.1

Automatically includes action links (show, edit, destroy) based on the current page and...

73.702 Descargas

action_logger 0.1.2

Log actions in your Rails app

35.514 Descargas

action_logic 0.3.3

Provides common interfaces for validating and abstracting business logic

77.897 Descargas

actionmailbox 8.0.0

Receive and process incoming emails in Rails applications.

242.549.429 Descargas

action_mailbox_amazon_ingress 0.2.0

Integrate Amazon SES with ActionMailbox

94.359 Descargas

action_mailbox_debug 0.1.0

This is a helper to debug Action Mailbox. It's not suitable for running on production s...

2.062 Descargas

actionmailbox-imap 0.2.5

Relay IMAP messages to ActionMailbox. This package requires the rust imap client binary...

18.990 Descargas

actionmailer 8.0.0

Email on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pa...

549.953.228 Descargas

actionmailer-2.3.17-rack-upgrade 2.3.17

Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

12.312 Descargas

action_mailer_auto_previews 0.1.0

Enhances the ActionMailer Previews introduced in 4.1 by automatically creating ActionMa...

3.838 Descargas

action_mailer_auto_url_options 1.0.3

Make ActionMailer use the current request host and protocol for URL generation

36.665 Descargas

actionmailer-balancer 1.1.0

Balancer for ActionMailer. Distributes emails across multiple delivery methods in the g...

1.907 Descargas

ActionMailer-Base-to-use-an-absolute-path-template 1.0.0


11.809 Descargas

action_mailer_cache_delivery 0.4.0

Cache delivery method for ActionMailer for testing emails with Selenium

617.296 Descargas

actionmailer-callbacks 1.1.0

adds before_create, around_create callbacks to action mailer 3

197.134 Descargas

action_mailer_config 2.1.0

Load ActionMailer configuration from YAML

2.672 Descargas


Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

17.326 Descargas

action_mailer_deliver_later 0.1.2

Use Resque to asynchronously sending email messages.

29.387 Descargas

actionmailer-deliver_later 0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.223 Descargas

action-mailer-demuxer 0.0.1

Demux ActionMailer delivery methods

23.386 Descargas

action_mailer-enqueable 2.0.0

Serialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers

14.823 Descargas

actionmailer_extensions 0.5.3

Wraps the deliver! method on ActionMailer to save the outgoing mail to a .eml file, ...

52.432 Descargas

actionmailer_host_autoset 0.3.0

Sets :host for url_for calls within ActionMailer. A repackaged and renamed version of h...

10.326 Descargas

actionmailer-html2text 0.2.0

Automatically add plain text parts into HTML emails sent by ActionMailer.

44.787 Descargas

actionmailer_inline_css 1.6.0

Module for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...

713.732 Descargas