RubyGems Navigation menu


argible 0.1.1

automatically resolves method argument values

10.927 Descargas

arglebarg 1.0.0

A simple hello world gem

4.032 Descargas

argo 0.1.0

Expand JSON Schema(s) into introspectable Ruby objects

5.975 Descargas

argon 1.3.1

Argon generates a workflow engine (built around a state machine)

24.541 Descargas

argon18 0.2.1

A tiny webserver for demo projects

7.835 Descargas

argon2 2.3.0

Argon2 FFI binding

2.420.323 Descargas

argon2id 0.7.0

Ruby bindings to Argon2, the password-hashing function that won the 2015 Password Hashi...

13.367 Descargas

argon2-kdf 0.2.0

Argon2 key derivation for Ruby

3.176.438 Descargas

argon2-simple 0.0.2

Simplifies the process of hashing a password with Argon2 and checking if a submitted pa...

2.346 Descargas

argon_admin 0.1.0

Generates admin panel based on Argon Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim. Project...

2.285 Descargas

argonaut 0.0.2

JSON Builder

10.719 Descargas

argonaut-cli 0.1.10

This gem lets users manipulate argonaut using the command line interface

6.744 Descargas

argonuts-ruby 0.1.6

Official client library to the Argonuts API (

4.290 Descargas

argos 1.0

A slim command-line parser that does one thing well: turn an array of arguments into a ...

4.786 Descargas


A ruby script that displays your current tarsnap ballance in picoUSD. The script can se...

17.785 Descargas

argos-ruby 1.2.6

Argos ( webservice client and Argos legacy file (DS/DAT an...

61.132 Descargas

argparse 0.0.5

A gem for parsing command line arguments

3.001 Descargas

argparser 2.1.1

== Yet another ruby command line argument parser library

20.353 Descargas

arg-parser 0.4.1

ArgParser is a simple, yet powerful command-line argument parser, with support ...

41.945 Descargas

args 0.0.0

Argument parsing for ruby

4.835 Descargas

arg_scanner 0.3.3

Program execution tracker to retrieve data types information

11.239 Descargas

argser 1.7

Argser (from 'ARGuments parSER') is a library that aims to simplify the process of pars...

28.237 Descargas

args-handler 0.0.2

A small library to generate HTML for wished arguments form hashes.

16.244 Descargas

argshelper 0.1.11

A simple command line argument helper

2.877 Descargas

args_parser 0.2.0

Parse/Filter/Validate ARGV from command line with DSL.

93.710 Descargas

ArgsParser 1.0.0

* Parse args from command line.

46.414 Descargas

argspec 0.3.3

RSpec style(ish) checks for arguments

13.886 Descargas

args.rb 0.0.1

A simple command line argument parser

3.648 Descargas

args_to_attrs 0.2.0

Set instance attributes from method arguments

2.262 Descargas

argsy 0.1.1

Tiny "commands & options" DSL for your CLI scripts

4.206 Descargas