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apple_cert_monitor 0.3.1

What Apple Developer Account Client do is to monitor all the expiring and expired certi...

4.682 Descargas

apple_certs_cleaner 0.1.3

clean Apple Certificate files and Provisioning Profile.

11.206 Descargas

apple_certs_info 0.3.2

Apple Certificate files and Provisioning Profile information.

27.194 Descargas

apple_class_client 1.0.1

This is a client for accessing Apple MDM's class, person, location, and course rosters.

7.576 Descargas

apple_core 1.7.1

To the CORE!

18.747 Descargas

apple-data 1.0.629

This package includes machine readable data about Apple platforms maintained by hack-di...

122.237 Descargas

apple_db 0.1.3

This gem contains a bunch of serial numbers sourced from various places online. Query i...

10.728 Descargas

apple_dep_client 2.2.3

This gem provides an easy way to authenticate and interact with Apple's Device Enrollme...

19.825 Descargas

apple_epf 1.2.2

Downloader, Extractor and Parser for Apple Epf Affiliate files

48.029 Descargas

apple_frameworks 1.1.1

Creation of .framework and .xcframework for iOS and/or macOS libraries

4.820 Descargas

apple_id 1.6.4

with Apple backend library in Ruby.

3.519.712 Descargas

apple_id-forestv8_compatibility 1.5.3

with Apple backend library in Ruby.

518 Descargas

apple_id_token 0.3.0

Apple Sign In Token utilities; parse and check validity of token

41.884 Descargas

appleload 0.1.0

A CLI & Ruby Library to control Apple's Application Loader app

7.631 Descargas

apple_manifest_rails 0.0.3

Mountable Rails engine for iOS UDID capture and app (IPA) distribution. Uses the IPA's ...

8.780 Descargas

apple_models 2.1.2

Apple model name lookup based on model id (apple product code)

33.039 Descargas

apple_music 0.3.1

Apple Music API Client Ruby

12.080 Descargas

apple_music_client 0.0.0

Client for access to Apple Music APIs

2.464 Descargas

apple_music_library 0.14.0

Provides a Ruby interface to the information stored in an Apple Music (formerly iTunes)...

15.204 Descargas

apple-news 0.5.1

Fully-featured library for fetching and creating content with the Apple News API.

85.287 Descargas

applenium 0.0.8

Mobile and Web apps automation framework using Appium, Selenium and Cucumber

23.974 Descargas

apple_pay 0.0.2

Apple Pay Merchant Backend

5.405 Descargas

applephile 0.1.2

The higher the price you choose, the newer the item.

7.261 Descargas

applepie-rails 0.1.1

ApplePie Semantic and modular CSS Framework. Better way to build web interfaces.

7.914 Descargas

apple_pkg 0.1.0

Library for reading and interacting with Apple's installer (.pkg and .mpkg) file formats.

2.655 Descargas

apple_png 0.3.1

Converts the Apple PNG format used in iOS packages to standard PNG

37.793 Descargas

apple_portal_sync 9001.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2.100 Descargas

apple-properties-twine-formatter 0.0.0

This formatter helps localize Apple plist files

3.017 Descargas

apple_push 0.1.2

Sinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications

10.359 Descargas

apple-push 0.1.0

ApplePush is a very simple implementation of the APNS (Apple Push Notification Service)...

7.260 Descargas