RubyGems Navigation menu


apimatic1package 6.3.9

This is testing text

2.840 Descargas

APIMATIC_Caculator 1.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

1.636 Descargas

APIMATIC-Caculator-Test 1.0.1

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

1.631 Descargas

apimatic_calculator 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

2.683 Descargas

apimatic-calculator-97-sdk 1.0.1

This is a long description

584 Descargas

apimaticcalculatortest 1.0.0


2.596 Descargas

apimaticcalculatortest1 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

2.603 Descargas

apimatic-calculator-test-api-sdk 2.4.5

Sample Calculator API SDK

622 Descargas

apimatic_calculator_test_ruby 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

688 Descargas

apimatic_calculator_test_ruby2 1.0.0

Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC

694 Descargas

apimatic-calculator-test-sdk-sdk 0.0.2

This is a sample calculator SDK.

730 Descargas

apimatic-ci-cd-test 1.0.24

API for sending and managing payments

13.179 Descargas

apimatic_core 0.3.13

The APIMatic Core libraries provide a stable runtime that powers all the functionality ...

227.285 Descargas

apimatic_core_interfaces 0.2.1

This project contains the abstract layer for APIMatic's core library. The purpose of cr...

222.811 Descargas

apimatic-c-package-sdk 4.4.4

this is Test Api description please ignore.this for testing purpose so please ignore it...

2.019 Descargas

apimatic_faraday_client_adapter 0.1.4

Faraday is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. This repository contains the client imp...

220.485 Descargas

apimaticpackage 9.9.9

This is testing text

1.085 Descargas

apimatic-package-sdk 8.8.8

its test api

1.940 Descargas

apimaticPetstore 1.0.1


628 Descargas

apimatic-testing-calculator 1.0.0

Calculator API built with APIMATIC

1.942 Descargas

Apimatic_testPack 1.0


749 Descargas

apimatTCTD 1.0.0


583 Descargas

api_me 0.14.1

This friendly library gives you helpers and generators to assist building RESTful API's...

109.131 Descargas

api_mini_tester 0.1.15

Runs automated REST API based on YAML definition. Uses templates for API requests, mock...

22.398 Descargas

api-model 2.8.0

API model is a simple wrapper for interacting with external APIs. It tries to make it v...

127.312 Descargas

api_models 0.2.0

Core components used in the API Microservice.

944 Descargas

api-moip-assinaturas 0.2.43

Gem desenvolvida para atender aos requisitos do moip api de assinaturas

141.107 Descargas

api_monkey 0.0.2

Makes building data-driven APIs in Rails a breeze by providing an easy to use DSL for w...

6.418 Descargas

apinator 0.0.1

Now in development

579 Descargas

api_navigator 0.0.1

ApiNavigator base on api_navigator from Oriol Gual

2.455 Descargas