RubyGems Navigation menu


antonio_palindrome 0.2.0

Learn Enough Palindrome Detector

2.049 Descargas

antonjenkins-model_sync 0.1.4

Sync changes to an ActiveRecord model to another model

17.187 Descargas

ant-pool-api 0.0.2

Gem for acsess to api ant pool

7.557 Descargas

antra 0.0.1.pre.init

Antra is a Ruby-Application to analyse money-transactions on your local machine.

2.403 Descargas

ants 0.3.14

Collection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.

66.554 Descargas

ant-server 0.1.0

This gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages

2.857 Descargas

ant-ssl 0.1.0

Package for creating self signed certificates for development purpose

2.845 Descargas

ant-storage 0.1.1

This module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable about wh...

4.822 Descargas

antsy 0.0.7

utility functions for ansible modules

18.220 Descargas

anttrap 0.03

A tiny Gem that can generate an Apache Ant build file from a Rakefile. This allows for ...

16.218 Descargas

ant_tsp 0.0.1

ant to solve travelling salesman

4.560 Descargas

antw-dyno 0.1.3

A rubygem for parsing sim-racing results files.

7.598 Descargas

ant-wireless 0.4.0

A binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. A...

12.415 Descargas

antw-kin 0.4.1

Components commonly used in Showcase which can be applied to other projects.

14.009 Descargas

antwort 1.0.1

E-Mail development, build and test system.

8.646 Descargas

Antwrap 0.7.0

A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...

111.793 Descargas

antw-simple_state 0.2.1

A *very simple* state machine implementation.

4.201 Descargas

anubis 0.0.1


4.363 Descargas

anuhea_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.808 Descargas

anujdas-thrift-validator 0.2.0

Recursive thrift struct validator

2.566 Descargas

anu-ldap 0.4.2

A Ruby library for querying the ANU LDAP server.

4.570 Descargas

anupom-anobik 0.0.4

Rack middleware Ruby micro-framework

10.696 Descargas

anus 1.8.5

anus gem.

353 Descargas

anusblaster 0.1.0

pls ignore i am only test gem

3.068 Descargas

anusha_dasari_gem_trial 0.1.2

Write a longer description or delete this line.

4.191 Descargas

anveo-ec2ssh 0.2.1

Since ec2 instance public hostnames are dynamic, and not easy to remember or type, this...

24.056 Descargas

AnVH 0.0.1

Making the world become better

5.025 Descargas

anvil 0.0.1

A collection of DSL's and frameworks that take full advantage of Ruby's powerful syntax

6.752 Descargas

anvil-cli 0.16.2

Alternate Heroku build workflow

266.716 Descargas

anvil-core 0.6.0

Anvil is a tool for building tools.

41.400 Descargas