RubyGems Navigation menu


all_seeing_pi 0.0.5

The one gem to rule homemade Raspberry Pi surveillance systems. This gem will capture i...

13.811 Descargas

all_sort 0.1.1

If you want to choose differene sorting Algorithm for a particular case. use this Gem

2.472 Descargas

all_sorts 2.0

A DSL for sorting active record results based on a hash with keys with the term sort_ i...

12.813 Descargas

allspark 0.0.1

More to come

4.872 Descargas

AllSportDB 1.0.2

AllSportDB API wrapper gem implementation

3.275 Descargas

allsum-client 0.1.0

Compute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...

5.976 Descargas

all_systems 0.2.1

An interactor encapsulates the action of specific business usecase. For example a `LogI...

12.207 Descargas

alltasks 0.1.3

Alltasks is the simple, painless way to get access to all of the tasks that your gems c...

20.462 Descargas

all-the-favicons 0.6.0

A Rails engine that outputs favicons through the assets pipeline

24.963 Descargas

all_the_things 0.0.0

Records the interactions between entities for meta data queries

4.123 Descargas

allthumbs 0.0.1

Generate single image from tons of thumbails

5.888 Descargas

all_todo 0.4.4

Reads a plain text file called all_todo.txt and generates a Polyrex document from it an...

37.479 Descargas

alltom-glapp 0.0.5

ruby-opengl wrapper for writing quick applets

14.301 Descargas

alltweets 2.0.0

Downloads someone's all tweets.

33.370 Descargas

alluc 1.1.0

'ALluc API'

15.714 Descargas

all-up-in-your-elo 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for bayeselo

6.007 Descargas

allure-cucumber 2.25.0

Cucumber adaptor to generate rich allure test reports

6.187.230 Descargas

allure-report-publisher 4.3.0

Upload allure reports to different file storage providers

122.933 Descargas

allure-rspec 2.25.0

Cucumber adaptor to generate rich allure test reports

15.203.908 Descargas

allure-ruby-adaptor-api 0.7.2

This is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor.

3.803.922 Descargas

allure-ruby-api 0.6.1

This is a helper library containing the basics for any ruby-based Allure adaptor.

24.348 Descargas

allure-ruby-commons 2.25.0

Utilities allowing to implement allure result generation by other test frameworks

16.860.823 Descargas

allure_turnip 0.4.0

Adaptor to use Allure framework along with the Turnip

34.295 Descargas

allyourbase 0.0.2

Provides access to Google's Base Base data feed. Currently read-only, public API; full...

11.600 Descargas

all-your-base 0.3.0

Provides numeric base conversions greater than base 36

15.810 Descargas

alma 0.6.2

Client for Ex Libris Alma Web Services

31.161 Descargas

alma_api 2.0.3

A Ruby client library for the Ex Libris Alma REST APIs

6.237 Descargas

alma_course_loader 0.9.4

This gem provides basic support for creating Alma course loader files.

9.195 Descargas

alman 0.0.2

Alman is a calendar scheduling API.

6.572 Descargas

almanac 0.9.2

Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the e...

68.254 Descargas