alfa 0.0.8.pre
Alfa CMF
17.220 Descargas
alfabank 1.0.0
Unofficial alfabank payment gateway gem
16.652 Descargas
alfa_bank 0.1.1
AlfaBank api adapter provides friendly interface for comunication with AlfaBank REST API.
6.348 Descargas
== DESCRIPTION: Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[] {R...
10.996 Descargas
alfa_insurance 0.2.1
Ruby wrapper for ALfaInsurance SOAP API
24.262 Descargas
alfalfa 0.1.0
Alfalfa can be used to alphabetize cumbersome gemfiles.
7.876 Descargas
alfalfa-lib 0.0.0
Library and measures to create input and output points in Alfalfa
565 Descargas
alf-core 0.16.3
Alf brings the relational algebra both in Shell and in Ruby. In Shell, because manipula...
32.744 Descargas
alf-doc 0.16.4
This gem provides support for using the formal documentation of Alf.
22.327 Descargas
alfi 1.0.0
Android Library Finder
60.498 Descargas
alfi2 0.6.1
Android Library Finder
2.751 Descargas
alfonsox 0.2.8
Tool to detect orthography errors your code files
14.409 Descargas
alf-rack 0.16.3
This gems provides Rack middleware to use the full power of Alf in web applications.
19.193 Descargas
alfred 1.0.1
Alfred provides better attr_accessor handling on your application.
20.517 Descargas
alfred-3_workflow 0.1.0
Easily generate Alfred 3 workflow results in a fluent manner.
4.223 Descargas
alfred_git 0.5.14
See GitHub page for longer description.
53.757 Descargas
alfredlite 0.1.0
AlfredLite is a lightweight modular framework for creating Alfred workflows.
4.966 Descargas
alfredo 0.1.3
Wrapper for Alfred 2's Workflows
16.387 Descargas
alfredos_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
2.969 Descargas
alfred_rails 0.1.1.alpha
Alfred creates fixture files of your controller responses so you can use them in your t...
7.333 Descargas
alfred-workflow 2.0.5
alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...
167.472 Descargas
alf-repl 0.16.3
This project provides a Alf-driven web REPL to any database
15.309 Descargas
alfresco 1.0.0
**Search API** Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.
5.370 Descargas
alfresco4r 1.0.0
This gem provides the capability to ruby to interact with Alfresco CMS. This gem is pro...
11.641 Descargas
alfresco_api 1.0.1
**Core API** Provides access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.
5.886 Descargas
alf-rest 0.17.1
Provides a RESTful interface for relational databases.
22.350 Descargas
alf-sequel 0.16.3
This project implements an Alf adapter on top of the awesome sequel toolkit.
28.440 Descargas
alf-shell 0.16.4
This project implements the `alf` commandline tool.
37.696 Descargas
alf-sql 0.16.3
This project implements an abstract SQL compiler for Alf expressions
20.293 Descargas
alfuken-simple_audit 0.0.1
Simple auditing plugin.
4.295 Descargas