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alexmchale-gmail-client 0.3.0

A client to use GMail for sending email.

17.747 Descargas

alexmchale-red-milk 0.2.2

RedMilk is a client for Remember The Milk.

17.729 Descargas

alexmchale-wunderground-api 0.1.2

An API to Weather Underground.

14.440 Descargas

Alexonozor 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3.820 Descargas

alex_owens_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails App.

3.005 Descargas

alexpass 0.1.3

Sorry, but this gem ('alexpass') has been replaced by 'altpass'. See RubyGems https://r...

17.836 Descargas

alex_r 0.0.3

Allows you execute RScript

15.730 Descargas

alexrabarts-big_sitemap 0.5.1

A Sitemap generator specifically designed for large sites (although it works equally we...

37.672 Descargas

alexrabarts-iso_country_codes 0.2.2

ISO country code and currency library

17.765 Descargas

alexrabarts-IsoCountryCodes 0.1.1

Provides ISO codes and names for countries.

4.292 Descargas

alexrabarts-term_extraction 0.1.4

Term extraction library

17.516 Descargas

alexrabarts-tld 0.6.0

Top-level domain library

17.571 Descargas

alexrevin-aasm_numerical 2.3.1

AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...

5.828 Descargas

alex-rkelly 1.0.6

The RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.

9.690 Descargas

alexrothenberg-legacy_data 0.0.11

Create ActiveRecord models from an existing database

24.249 Descargas

alexrothenberg-metric_fu 1.0.2

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

4.302 Descargas

Alexsecdemo 0.0.5

A simple hello world gem, do not download it

4.067 Descargas


basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...

11.831 Descargas

alex-test 0.0.2


219 Descargas

alex-vancoillie-thermostat-exercise 0.1.4

A thermostat gem (small application exercise)

7.536 Descargas

alex_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications

2.493 Descargas

alexvishalrps 0.1.2

"Play against another human or the computer. Choose rock paper or scissors."

3.682 Descargas

alexvollmer-clip 1.0.0

You like command-line parsing, but you hate all of the bloat. Why should you have to cr...

7.648 Descargas

alexvollmer-daemon-spawn 0.2.0

Daemon launching and management made dead simple. With daemon-spawn you can start, sto...

8.722 Descargas

alexvollmer-httparty 0.4.3

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

14.374 Descargas

alexvollmer-word_salad 0.9.0


4.251 Descargas

alexyoung-depwhack 0.0.1

depwhack is a tool for comparing local and remote gem dependencies for a Rails project.

4.280 Descargas

alexyoung-loom-exceptions-rails-plugin 2.0

Loom is a helpdesk web app which supports exception handling and notifications.

4.345 Descargas

alexyoung-rsyncdiff 0.0.2

rsyncdiff is a tool for comparing local and remote code. It displays changes, deletion...

7.646 Descargas

alf 0.16.3

Alf brings a beautiful yet powerful relational algebra to the Shell and to Ruby.

83.485 Descargas