access_manager 0.2.0
Manage grants in your applications
42.531 Descargas
accessor 1.0.2
A syntactically better accessor, setter, and getter metamethod generator
10.735 Descargas
accessor_extender 1.0.1
This gem simply extends cattr_accessor mattr_accessor like ActiveSupport.
7.550 Descargas
accessorize 0.0.1
Sometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the dat...
11.871 Descargas
accessor_utilities 1.0.4
Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling ...
41.799 Descargas
accessor-utilities 1.0.4
Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling ...
47.585 Descargas
accessory 0.1.11
Functional lenses for Ruby, borrowed from Elixir
22.028 Descargas
access_policy 0.0.7
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
22.746 Descargas
access_policy_rails 0.0.2
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
9.655 Descargas
accessrange 0.2.0
A range with accessible attributes. V 0.2.0 provides all range functions.
10.783 Descargas
access_roles 0.1.0
Access role management library for role-based access control, based on RDF and ActiveTr...
4.224 Descargas
access_rules 0.1.0
Authorization for Rails
10.507 Descargas
access_schema 0.6.1
AccessSchema is a tool for ACL or tariff plans schema definition and checks
152.147 Descargas
access_stack 0.0.1
Abstract object pooling for cool people. See homepage
5.194 Descargas
access-styles 1.1.1
Common styles and utilities used across our projects
52.329 Descargas
access_token 0.1.2
Access token for client-side and API authentication.
12.467 Descargas
access_token_agent 4.0.0
Retrieves an access token from an OAuth2 provider using the supplied credentials.
43.597 Descargas
access_token_wrapper 0.5.0
Wrapper for OAuth2::Token to automatically refresh the expiry token when expired.
13.149 Descargas
access_watch 0.0.5
A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
11.173 Descargas
access_watch_rails 0.1.2
A Rails library to log and analyse Rails HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud ser...
16.259 Descargas
access-watch-rails 0.0.3
A Rails library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
8.463 Descargas
access-watch-ruby 0.0.1
A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
3.404 Descargas
accio 0.0.3
Accio is a code snippet management tool for the terminal
18.185 Descargas
accio_bower 1.0.0
Import externally managed Bower assets via Rails Sprockets while preserving links to re...
8.589 Descargas
acclaim 0.5.1
Command-line option parser and command interface.
182.217 Descargas
acclaim-api 0.1.0
Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https:/...
2.887 Descargas
acclimate 0.6.0
A Cli building toolkit. See README for more details.
31.486 Descargas
acclir 0.2.0
AtCoder CLI developed in Ruby.
2.213 Descargas
ac_copyright_tool 0.1.0
This gem generates HTML data for Rails applications.
3.155 Descargas
accord 0.1.1
Contracts and adaptation for Ruby
18.844 Descargas