RubyGems Navigation menu


airstream 0.4.10

A command line tool to stream video and image files to airplay-dev...

81.785 Descargas

airtable 0.0.9

Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.

442.816 Descargas

airtable2 0.2.8

Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.

1.489 Descargas

airtable_base_builder 1.0.4

This command line tool ingests a CSV file with a specific format and creates an Airtabl...

2.273 Descargas

airtable-rails 1.1

Airtable client from Rails

4.539 Descargas

airtable_sync 1.4.2

Keep Rails models in sync with AirTable.

3.507 Descargas

airtel-pesa 0.1.1

This gem helps you carry out operations for Airtel the easy way.

2.913 Descargas

air-theme-jekyll 0.1.0

Ghost Air Theme For Jekyll

2.429 Descargas

airthings 1.0.0

Airthings Consumer API Ruby Gem

906 Descargas

air_traffic_control 0.0.3

Framework for intuitively parsing Rails forms

8.712 Descargas

airvend 0.1.2

This gem makes it easy for businesses or individuals to implement vending of Airtime, D...

5.958 Descargas

airvideo 0.0.8

Communicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...

44.702 Descargas


Communicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...

10.736 Descargas

airvisual_api 0.1.2

A Ruby interface to retrieve air quality data from the AirVisual API based on various l...

5.247 Descargas

airwatch-ruby 0.2.2

Ruby wrapper around AirWatch REST API.

4.844 Descargas

airwave 0.0.0


4.925 Descargas

airwaves 0.0.0


4.870 Descargas

aisatsu 0.0.2

A simple hello world gem by Japanese

9.651 Descargas

ais_base 0.0.1

Lorem ipsum generator

5.319 Descargas

aisequenceagi 0.1.0

Asagi evolved out of the ExperienceSequencer. Note that you'll still need to modify the...

2.614 Descargas

aishafenton-hysteresis_filters 0.1.6

A collection of simple decision filters which have the Hysteresis property

7.744 Descargas

aislefinder 0.0.02

Allows you to find the aisle for groceries per your local super market.

11.677 Descargas

aissue 0.1.2

This gem creates a new issue on GitHub by using AI.

516 Descargas

ai_tagger 0.4.4

This gem generates AnalyticsEvent classes from a Google Doc

45.233 Descargas

aitch 2.0.0

A simple HTTP client

521.164 Descargas


Write a gem description

56.952 Descargas

ai_tools 0.2.0

This is a curated listed of personal AI development tools.

4.637 Descargas

aitor-tog_social 0.1.3

Tog social

14.645 Descargas

aitu-wallet 0.0.18

Gem to process Aitu Wallet requests

17.124 Descargas

aiuto 0.0.1

Google help me! Aiuto aiuto!

3.154 Descargas