RubyGems Navigation menu


ahiru 0.1.1

Yet another Ruby gem for DuckDuckGo search

4.437 Descargas

ahisazurequeue 1.0.0

please visit for more information

4.026 Descargas

ahl_scraper 0.4.1

Allows users to gather game, season, and player data from the AHL website

12.561 Descargas

ahmad_gem 0.1.0

This is the first gem that i am going to create

4.636 Descargas

ahn_hoptoad 1.0.1

Send Adhearsion application exceptions to Hoptoad

14.803 Descargas

ahnnotate 0.5.1

Ahnnotate comments on your ActiveRecord models with their respective schemas!

13.425 Descargas

ahn-rails 0.1.0

Stretch rails beyond the browser, easily

32.300 Descargas

ahn-restful-rpc 0.1.1

Allows remote procedure calls over an HTTP API integrated in Adhearsion

11.357 Descargas

ahnsay 0.0.1

This plugin provides a simple controller method for file-based TTS of times, dates and ...

5.958 Descargas

aho 0.1.0

Aho agent is responsible for collecting resource usage data of VM instances on individu...

387 Descargas

ahobson-pcap 0.7.0

Ruby interface to LBL Packet Capture library. This library also includes classes to acc...

4.642 Descargas

ahocorasick 1.0.0

This ruby implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm focuses on memory efficiency, ty...

10.931 Descargas

aho_corasick 0.1.0

An algorithm that allows searching for members of a known set of strings appearing as s...

50.674 Descargas

aho_corasick_matcher 1.0.2

Uses the fast Aho-Corasick text search system to find occurrences of any of a dicti...

35.585 Descargas


This gem provides ruby library with Aho-Corasick substring search algorithm implement...

9.946 Descargas

ahoj 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

10.992 Descargas

ahora 0.2.2

Consume Java-ish XML HTTP Resources easily

38.167 Descargas

ahoward-configuration 1.1.0


7.740 Descargas

ahoward-growltdf 0.4.5


7.696 Descargas

ahoward-helene 0.0.3


4.412 Descargas

ahoward-id3rename 1.0.4


7.810 Descargas

ahoward-lockfile 2.0.0


4.807 Descargas

ahoward-main 2.9.0


4.371 Descargas

ahoward-open4 1.0.0


4.374 Descargas

ahoward-options 2.1.1


7.723 Descargas

ahoward-tagz 7.1.0


14.426 Descargas

a_howie_studio_game 1.0.0

This is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course ...

3.734 Descargas

ahoy 0.1.4

Serverless Messaging using DNSDS/mDNS, XMPP, and Ruby

38.494 Descargas

ahoy_captain 1.1.0

A full-featured, mountable analytics dashboard for your Rails app, powered by Ahoy.

20.413 Descargas

ahoy_email 2.4.0

First-party email analytics for Rails

3.858.649 Descargas