acts_as_notifiable 0.0.9
This gem creates notifiable objects, and allows objects to be set as read
62.157 Descargas
acts_as_notifiable_redmine 0.1.1
A Ruby gem who provides a small DSL to register Pusher channels and events in Redmine
8.755 Descargas
acts_as_notificable 0.0.7
Add notifications for ActiveRecord objects
4.234 Descargas
acts_as_notifier 0.0.1
acts_as_notifier is an add-on for ActiveRecord models used to notify users of new and u...
4.821 Descargas
acts_as_nps_rateable 0.0.5
Rails gem that provides Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings and analysis for ActiveRecord ...
64.091 Descargas
acts_as_oauth_accessible 0.1.0
Rails plugin that enables your models to access OAuth services
18.499 Descargas
acts_as_opengraph 0.0.5
ActiveRecord extension that turns your models into graph objects. Includes helper metho...
66.249 Descargas
acts-as-optionable 0.4.3
Add options to ActiveRecord models. I don't advise using this yet, as it's very alpha.
86.765 Descargas
acts_as_oqgraph 1.0.1
Acts As OQGraph allows ActiveRecord models to use the fast and powerful OQGraph engine ...
72.749 Descargas
acts_as_orderable 0.1.4
Rails gem allowing ActiveRecord models to have order and to move them up and down
76.244 Descargas
acts_as_ordered 0.0.2.alpha
Add ordered dynamic scope to models
5.953 Descargas
acts_as_ordered_tree 1.3.1
ActiveRecord extension for sorted adjacency lists support
116.268 Descargas
acts_as_ordinalized 0.2.5
This is a simple acts_as gem providing the active record models with ordinal numbers. T...
75.011 Descargas
acts_as_organizable 0.0.3
Simpler tagging.
22.396 Descargas
acts_as_our_cities 0.1.2
DRYing Our Cities projects by wrapping common behaviours
7.960 Descargas
acts_as_owner 2.0.1
Simple Rails plugin that allows to operate freely on objects which belong to us.
21.349 Descargas
acts_as_pack_rat 1.0.7
acts_as_pack_rat was developed by: markbates
41.320 Descargas
acts_as_page 0.0.5
simple gem which include globalize and frienly id
38.101 Descargas
acts_as_paginable 0.4.0
Filter records by passing params to a controller. No need to modify the model anymore.
27.694 Descargas
acts_as_param 1.0.1
acts as param
8.850 Descargas
acts_as_parameter_object 0.0.1
Acts as a Parameter Object cf. Refactoring: Ruby Edition
6.039 Descargas
acts_as_paranoid 0.10.3
Check the home page for more in-depth information.
9.626.877 Descargas
acts_as_paranoid_boolean_column 0.4.4
Active Record (~>3.2) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actua...
12.901 Descargas
acts_as_paranoid_dag 0.0.3
Combines `acts-as-dag` and `rails3_acts_as_dag` to order model instances in a polymorp...
19.505 Descargas
acts_as_partitionable 0.0.3
acts_as_partitionable allows one to use multiple DBs to partition data for models
23.847 Descargas
acts_as_partitioned 0.0.4
Handle postgres style partitions in ActiveRecord
6.865 Descargas
acts_as_pasting 0.1.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2.446 Descargas
acts_as_pdf 0.2.0
Description of ActsAsPdf.
15.355 Descargas
acts_as_percentage 0.1.2
Because most percentages only need to be accurate to two decimals, this gem has you sto...
25.354 Descargas
acts_as_permalink 1.2.1
Manages permalink columns in active record models. Strips special characters and spaces...
62.615 Descargas