RubyGems Navigation menu


aptly-api 0.11.0

REST client for the Aptly API

51,265 下載

aptly_cli 0.6.1

Aptly API client

100,291 下載

aptly-watcher 0.4

Configures Aptly in a application centric manner, and watches a set of folders for inco...

9,108 下載

aptools 1.2.0

Assorted tools for Apportable Platform

26,261 下載

apt-pkg 0.5.0

Ruby interface to apt-pkg

25,134 下載

apt-repair-sources 0.0.1

A tool to clean up your sources.list: * apt-repair-sources -d: let's you examine your...

5,959 下載

apt-spy2 0.8.2

Keep your /etc/apt/sources.list up to date

842,727 下載

apt_stage_artifacts 0.11.0

Stages .deb artifacts to a remote freight repository

319,417 下載

apt_validator 0.0.1

This Validator validates to not contain prohibited words into the value.

3,971 下載

apu 0.3.7

Android Application Utils

29,306 下載

apullo 0.2.0

A scanner for basic network fingerprints

14,361 下載

apw_articles 0.0.0

A Ruby Gem to explore articles on the A Practical Wedding website that are useful after...

2,772 下載

apx-docs-theme 0.1.15

Jekyll theme based on bootstrap for UAVOS APX documentation.

5,873 下載

apy 0.0.1

Helpers for calculating various interest scenarios

2,396 下載

aq 0.1.0

Command Line Tool for AWS Athena (bq command like)

4,920 下載

aq1018-2000-2008-adapter 0.0.1

SQL Server 2000 & 2005 & 2008 Adapter For Rails.

4,082 下載

aq1018-acts_as_multiple_state_machines 0.1

similar to acts_as_state_machine, but provides multiple State Machines per ActiveRecord...

4,023 下載

aq1018-dm-is-markup 0.0.1

Parse a field with a markup engine and save it to a new field created by the plugin.

4,054 下載

aq1018-dm-is-slug 0.9.9

DataMapper plugin that generates unique permalinks / slugs

4,086 下載

aq1018-rforce 0.5.2

Rather than enforcing adherence to the schema, RForce assumes you are famili...

10,740 下載

aq1018-searchlogic 2.4.17

Searchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.

16,272 下載

aq1018-sqlserver-2000-2008-adpater 0.0.2

SQL Server 2000 & 2005 & 2008 Adapter For Rails.

4,059 下載

aq1018-sunspot_mongoid 0.5.0

A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.

10,507 下載

Aqara_localizable 0.0.6

AqaraHome 多语言插件集成到Cocoapods. 项目通过Pod install就可以直接从多语言平台更新项目多语言文件到项目文件中.

2,505 下載

aqbanking 0.0.1

`aqbanking` is a simple wrapper around the AqBanking commandline utilities.

4,501 下載

aq_banking 0.3.0

wrapper around aqbanking cli tools

17,683 下載

aqcalculator 0.1.0

Basic calculator gem.

470 下載

aqi 0.0.4

Generates output based on the AQI schema.

8,658 下載

aqila-cache 0.3.0

Aqila (HTTP) Cache

5,357 下載

aqila-mapas 0.4.12


3,430 下載