RubyGems Navigation menu


accent_to_ascii 0.1.2

Replace the non ascii accents in a string

8,681 下載

acceptable 0.2.3

Provides definitive support for Accept-* headers, strictly compliant with RFC 2616. Inc...

32,481 下載

acceptable_api 0.0.4

HTTP lets clients send Accept headers. We should probably use that to work out what the...

19,888 下載

acceptance 0.0.3

A tool for running acceptance tests against any external web app

13,290 下載

acceptance_test 1.11.7

Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.

342,179 下載

acceptance_test2 0.10.1

Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.

7,427 下載

acceptance_testing 0.2.2

Acceptance testing

25,539 下載

acceptance_tests_support 1.0.2

Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.

17,114 下載

accept_headers 0.1.0

A ruby library that does content negotiation and parses and sorts http accept headers. ...

69,981 下載

acception-client 1.2.0

An API facade for the acception service. See README for more info.

13,315 下載

acception-subscriber 1.1.0

A RabbitMQ subscriber that pushes messages to Acception's API. See README for more det...

17,253 下載

accept_language 2.0.7

Parses the Accept-Language header from an HTTP request and produces a hash of languages...

549,360 下載

accepton 0.3.1

AcceptOn allows you to get paid in your customer's preferred method

13,798 下載

accepts-flattened-values 1.0.0

accepts-flattened-values is a mixin for ActiveRecord to be used on any model with a has...

50,778 下載

accepts_nested_attributes_for_public_id 1.0.1

A patch for Rails to support using a public ID column instead of ID for use with accept...

1,033 下載

accepts_nested_ids 0.2.2

Defers saving of nested associations by ID, and adds dirty tracking of said association...

20,069 下載

accepts_nested_serialized_attributes 0.0.2

A tiny hack for Rails to make Model#as_json(include: :association) return a hash with a...

9,881 下載

accept_timezone 0.1.0

Use Accept-Timezone header to set

4,079 下載

accept_values_for 0.9.3

Writing specs for complex validations is annoying. AcceptValuesFor makes iteasy to test...

601,442 下載

accern 3.2.2

A command line interface for the Accern API.

13,131 下載

accesible_uy 0.0.2

Create an app that uses AccesibleUY api!

13,200 下載

access 2.2.0

Ruby wrapper for Access API

253,197 下載

access_allow 0.2.0

Permissions and access control gem for Rails.

1,111 下載

access_checker 0.0.2

Simple access control on controller basis

2,756 下載

access_control 0.0.1

Easily add Access-Control headers with a handy middleware.

13,693 下載

AccessControl 0.2.6

Simple role based authorization for rails

10,197 下載

access-derivatives 0.0.11

Create access derivative files.

3,865 下載

access_forge 0.1.0

A simple, extendable authorization framework for Ruby on Rails applications.

668 下載

access-granted 1.3.3

Role based authorization gem

451,890 下載

access-granted-rails 0.1.0

Role based authorization gem

11,978 下載