RubyGems Navigation menu


action-server 0.0.1

Action server

4.179 Descargas

actionservice 0.3.0

Adds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack

45.905 Descargas

action_service 2.1.0

Is where you can add your code to do simple functionality instead of make complex contr...

54.133 Descargas

actionset 0.11.0

Easily filter, sort, and paginate collections.

67.388 Descargas

action_shipping 0.1.0


2.460 Descargas

action_short_message 0.1.0

Refenrence dballona/action_short_message. SMS/Text Messages gem, just like ActionShortM...

1.226 Descargas

actionslack 0.1.2


4.474 Descargas

actionsms 0.0.4

Like ActionMailer, but for SMS

10.811 Descargas

action_sms 0.1.1

Switch between SMS Gateways at a whim without modifying your application code or tests

45.337 Descargas

action_smser 3.4.1

ActionSmser == SMS && ActionMailer. Simple way to use SMS (Short Message Service) in th...

112.329 Descargas

action_sms_gateways 0.0.7

SMS Gateway Adapters to use with action_sms

56.314 Descargas

action_sprout-method_object 0.2.0

A simple class method that makes it super easy to create a method object taking keyword...

6.070 Descargas

actionsrb 0.0.1


2.512 Descargas

action_state 1.0.0

Quickly define model state predicates and scopes at the same time.

1.560 Descargas

actionstore 0.3.2

Push data into Svelte stores from Rails

3.799 Descargas

action-store 1.1.3

Store difference kind of actions (Like, Follow, Star, Block ...) in one table via Activ...

51.068 Descargas

actionstream 0.0.0

My incoming Karafka related project

2.074 Descargas

action_subscriber 5.3.3

ActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...

418.980 Descargas

action_subscriber-opentracing 1.0.4


13.763 Descargas

actions-updater 0.1.15

Updater of used Github Actions in workflow files

17.932 Descargas

action_table 0.4.0

Render ActiveRecord objects as HTML tables with one line of Ruby - supports some simple...

8.635 Descargas

action_tabler 0.1.3

A drop in table action for your Rails controllers using DataTables.

22.638 Descargas


Edit and display rich text in Rails applications.

209.907.720 Descargas

actiontext5 5.2.0

ActionText for Rails 5

1.148 Descargas

actiontexter 0.1.0

Allows you to build text messages similar to ActionMailer

5.063 Descargas

action_texter 0.2.0

Generic interface to send SMS with Ruby

14.121 Descargas

action-texter 0.0.1

Send text messages by means of the HTTP protocol via a HTTP driven sms provider

10.217 Descargas

actiontext-lite 0.0.2

Lite version of the ActionText.

4.894 Descargas

actiontext-syntax-highlighter 0.1.3

Extends ActionText to support highlighted code blocks

7.434 Descargas

action_text_to_whatsapp_markdown 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

647 Descargas