RubyGems Navigation menu


action_audit 0.0.3

Allows to record models changes

8.023 Descargas

action_auditor 0.1.0

Keep an audit trail of actions in your application

11.524 Descargas

action_audits 0.0.1


9.317 Descargas

action_auth 0.3.0

Using the built in features of Rails, ActionAuth provides a simple way to authorize use...

8.221 Descargas

action_authorization 0.3.0

A base policy class for authorizing controller actions with access to the current_user ...

8.045 Descargas

action_authorizer 2.0.1

Rails authorization with controllers's actions.

17.183 Descargas

actionback 0.0.1

Deserialize URLs to resources or resource IDs. Great for Hypermedia APIs.

4.778 Descargas

action_blocks 0.1.0

Automates Backend and Frontend Development. Supports Granular Authorization. Leverage...

2.649 Descargas

action_bot 0.1.25

Create telegram bots with rails like structure with ease

22.989 Descargas

action_bouncer 1.0.0

Rails authorization for well defined authorization objects interfaces

10.840 Descargas


Structure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...

351.474.060 Descargas

actioncable_auto_param 0.0.1

Automatically extracts ActionCable objects into parameters

4.088 Descargas

actioncable-bindings 0.1.0

Manage Action Cable subscriptions using data-* attributes

3.930 Descargas

action_cable_client 3.1.0

A ruby client for interacting with Rails' ActionCable

97.104 Descargas

actioncable-enhanced-postgresql-adapter 1.0.1

Enhances ActionCable's built in Postgres adapter with handling of the 8000 byte limit f...

10.641 Descargas

action_cable_notifications 0.1.40

Rails engine that provides Automatic realtime notification broadcast for ActiveRecord m...

49.404 Descargas

action-cable-redis-backport 1.0.3

Backports Action Cable 7.1 Redis adapter for older versions

49.511 Descargas

actioncable_redis-reconnect 0.1.0

A patch for ActionCable Redis that reconnects after it disconnects

1.007 Descargas

action_cable_subscription_adapter 0.2.2

Implements a SubscriptionAdapter for ActionCable which uses a configurable Redis client.

28.787 Descargas

action-cable-testing 0.6.1

Testing utils for Action Cable

4.707.006 Descargas

action_callback 0.3.0

Here you can add callbacks to your models using `before_action`, `after_action`

10.652 Descargas

action_case 0.0.1

Use-case driven design for ruby projects. Keeps your business logic in the right place!

6.336 Descargas

actionchain 0.1.0

Coming soon...

2.652 Descargas

action_channels 0.2.0

Easy server on websockets.

11.665 Descargas

actionchat 0.1.0

Action Chat allows you to build chatbots in Rails

2.506 Descargas

action_chat 0.1.0

Create Powerful Conversations with Alexa

2.691 Descargas

action_command 0.1.8

Simple implementation of command pattern focused on reuse in multiple contexts

28.167 Descargas

action_commander 1.0.16

The action template with the callbacks support

37.093 Descargas

actioncomponent 0.2.0

Stop using views: frontend components architecture for Ruby on Rails

4.588 Descargas

action_component 0.2.3

React-style components for Rails, mixing together the controller and a DSL language for...

18.106 Descargas