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Distribut automated testing framework for Web or App.

91,407 下载

activa 0.0.14

Rails 3.1+ dynamic page management

101,401 下载

activable 0.1.1

Allows a model to be activated and deactivated

16,935 下载

activatable 0.0.3

Do you want to make your model activatable? No problem.

12,160 下载

activate-admin 0.0.4

An admin gem for Padrino/mongoid

31,510 下载

activated_ui 0.0.1

Activated UI, is a collection of helpers to activate UI elements, it achieves a similar...

8,006 下载

activate_my_directory 0.0.3

This gems allows you to easily authenticate with ActiveDirectory and determine if a use...

8,656 下载

activator 0.0.7

Mark one model as active and automatically deactivate the others.

30,771 下载

Active 0.1.7

Search api for Active Network

317,746 下载

active_access 0.1.0

Access control for ActiveModel/ActiveRecord attributes

9,594 下载

active-access 0.6.0

Restrict access to your Rails application by IP

8,990 下载

active_accountability_merchant 1.97.1

Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...

3,222 下载

active_acl 0.2.1

Provides an unintrusive, scalable and very flexible approach to fine grained access con...

20,398 下载

activeaclplus 0.4.2

A flexible, fast and easy to use generic access control system.

35,610 下载

active_action 0.1.1

A tidy DSL to express batch actions

5,669 下载

active_activity_api 0.1.1

Ruby wrapper for activity search v2 API

6,300 下载

active_adapter 0.1.0

Simple implementation of the adapter pattern

4,195 下载

activeadmin 3.2.2

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

33,313,427 下载

active_admin_access_control 0.2.0

Through the gem you can create the dynamic role and permissions for different types of ...

459 下载

activeadmin_ace_editor 0.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Ace Editor

38,564 下载

activeadmin_active_resource 0.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Active Resource

99,116 下载

active_admin-acts_as_list 0.0.8

Provides sortable_columns helper in active admin resource definitions.

66,717 下载

active_admin_acts_as_list_integration 0.0.6

Works with ActiveAdmin 0.5

9,573 下载

activeadmin_addons 1.10.1

Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui

6,974,663 下载

activeadmin_addons_rails6 1.7.2

Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui

2,716 下载

active_admin-advanced_create_another 0.1.1

Create another resource with strength by default in your ActiveAdmin forms.

5,695 下载

activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0

Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...

313,314 下载

activeadmin_ancestry_view 0.0.5

Ancestry tree view in ActiveAdmin resource

15,692 下载

active_admin_api_only_initializer 0.1.0

Active Admin Initializer for Rails API-Only

2,492 下载

activeadmin_associable 0.1.5

A dropdown menu for your ActiveRecord relations between ActiveAdmin Resources.

11,554 下载