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action_mailer-mandrill 0.0.1

Use this gem to send mails with Mandrill Templates from Action Mailer.

4,903 下载

actionmailer-markdown 0.4.3

A different take on using ActionMailer, Markdown and I18n.

18,533 下载

action_mailer_matchers 1.2.0

ActionMailerMatchers provides rspec matchers to test Rails' common ActionMailer functio...

85,907 下载

action_mailer_pixel 0.1.0

Tracks email open rate by including a tracking pixel in the message body.

2,622 下载

action_mailer_provider 0.1.1

Action Mailer configuration helper

5,362 下载

actionmailer-rack-upgrade 2.3.17

Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

32,197 下载

actionmailer-rack-upgrade-2 2.3.16

Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

18,409 下载

actionmailer-sandbox 0.1.1

In a test environment , you are forced to change the destination of the ActionMailer.

7,325 下载

action_mailer_test_mailing 0.3.0

Set one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...

11,002 下载

action_mailer_test_via_smtp 0.2.1

Set one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...

27,410 下载

actionmailer-text 0.1.1

Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails.

1,320,030 下载

actionmailer-textgiri 0.2.1

Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails using Nokogiri ...

8,573 下载

action_mailer_tls 1.1.3

Conveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service

25,450 下载

action_mailer_verp 0.3.2

Send VERP emails with actionmailer.

69,349 下载

actionmailer-with-request 0.5.0

Let's ActionMailer know about the request context to avoid having to set a number of de...

241,856 下载

action_mailer_x509 0.7.2

This Rails gem allows you to send X509 signed and\or crypted mails.

9,855 下载

actionmailer_x509 0.4.0

This Rails 3 plugin allows you to send X509 signed and\or crypted mails.

19,991 下载

actionmail_logger 0.0.1

Prints rails mail to a logger instead of delivering it

74,413 下载

action_man 0.0.1

Simple actions for your models

521 下载

action-mapper 0.0.1

A gem that helps map attibutes to actions.

559 下载

action_markdown 0.1.4

Add rich text to your Ruby on Rails application thanks to Markdown.

5,697 下载

action_merchant 0.1.0


2,475 下载

actionmessage 0.0.14

ActionMailer heavily-inspired gem to handle SMS/Text Messages

37,718 下载

action_messager 0.0.2

Really simple jabber IM notifications.

21,145 下载

action_message_texter 0.0.11

SMS/Text Message gem, allow your Rails send short message to phone

10,047 下载

action_messenger 0.1.4

delivering messages to Messenger (ex. slack) using the familiar controller/view pattern.

13,683 下载

action_meta_tags 0.2

Well structured meta tags for your Rails app views

10,834 下载

actionmodel 0.0.1

ActionModel helps to structure model logic with actions.

5,502 下载

action_mosaico 0.1.5

The Mosaico email editor on Rails.

9,435 下载

actionnav 1.1.0

A navigation manager for Rails applications.

6,196 下载