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action_mailbox_amazon_ingress 0.2.0

Integrate Amazon SES with ActionMailbox

82,815 下载

action_mailbox_debug 0.1.0

This is a helper to debug Action Mailbox. It's not suitable for running on production s...

1,991 下载

actionmailbox-imap 0.2.5

Relay IMAP messages to ActionMailbox. This package requires the rust imap client binary...

18,544 下载


Email on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pa...

513,810,996 下载

actionmailer-2.3.17-rack-upgrade 2.3.17

Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

12,232 下载

action_mailer_auto_previews 0.1.0

Enhances the ActionMailer Previews introduced in 4.1 by automatically creating ActionMa...

3,769 下载

action_mailer_auto_url_options 1.0.3

Make ActionMailer use the current request host and protocol for URL generation

36,288 下载

actionmailer-balancer 1.0.0

Balancer for ActionMailer. Distributes emails across multiple delivery methods in the g...

1,657 下载

ActionMailer-Base-to-use-an-absolute-path-template 1.0.0


11,735 下载

action_mailer_cache_delivery 0.4.0

Cache delivery method for ActionMailer for testing emails with Selenium

583,174 下载

actionmailer-callbacks 1.1.0

adds before_create, around_create callbacks to action mailer 3

196,832 下载

action_mailer_config 2.1.0

Load ActionMailer configuration from YAML

2,597 下载


Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.

17,132 下载

action_mailer_deliver_later 0.1.2

Use Resque to asynchronously sending email messages.

29,203 下载

actionmailer-deliver_later 0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,144 下载

action-mailer-demuxer 0.0.1

Demux ActionMailer delivery methods

23,003 下载

action_mailer-enqueable 2.0.0

Serialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers

14,646 下载

actionmailer_extensions 0.5.3

Wraps the deliver! method on ActionMailer to save the outgoing mail to a .eml file, ...

52,106 下载

actionmailer_host_autoset 0.3.0

Sets :host for url_for calls within ActionMailer. A repackaged and renamed version of h...

10,253 下载

actionmailer-html2text 0.2.0

Automatically add plain text parts into HTML emails sent by ActionMailer.

43,746 下载

actionmailer_inline_css 1.6.0

Module for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...

685,127 下载

actionmailer-instyle 0.5.3

Easily create HTML emails in Rails ~>3.1

39,427 下载

actionmailer-instyle4 0.5.4

Easily create HTML emails in Rails ~>3.1

4,863 下载

actionmailer_interceptor 0.0.5

Intercepts and forwards emails to the given address in the specified environments.

16,395 下载

actionmailer-ironruby 0.2.0

A plugin for Rails to integrate ActionMailer with the System.Net.Mail assembly when dep...

30,626 下载

actionmailer-javamail 0.1.1

ActionMailer-JavaMail allows the emails to be delivered via the JavaMail library. This...

21,453 下载

action_mailer_kafka 1.0.0

This gem defines a way for Rails service or other backends to \ define a mailer that ...

5,384 下载

actionmailer-localized_preview 0.0.2

Extends ActionMailer::Preview to allow email previews in all available locales

9,168 下载

action_mailer-logged_smtp_delivery 2.3.0

ActionMailer SMTP delivery strategy with advanced logging and Bcc support

79,099 下载

actionmailer-maildir 0.0.1

Uses the maildir gem to store ActionMailer deliveries.

9,566 下载