RubyGems Navigation menu


action_conductor 0.2.0

DRY-up Rails controllers by leveraging interchangeable conductors to export data

4.374 Descargas

action_context 0.1.3

Context awareness for Rails 3

20.524 Descargas

action_control 0.3

Authenticate and authorize your users directly in your controllers.

15.239 Descargas

actioncontroller-parameter_filter 0.0.2

A gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController.

19.336 Descargas

action_controller-parents 0.3.0

Easily access parent resources

27.997 Descargas

action_controller-stashed_redirects 0.2.0

Embed a controller flow within another by stashing the final redirect upfront and perfo...

2.336 Descargas

action_controller_tweaks 0.3.6

ActionController is great, but could be better. Here are some tweaks for it.

29.429 Descargas

action_controller-twirp 0.3.0

You can implement twirp service with Rails controller

3.082 Descargas

action_cost 0.1.0

ActionCost measures the performance of a Rails 3 app controller actions in terms of num...

17.674 Descargas

action_counter 0.1.1

Action Counter

4.183 Descargas

action_crud 0.1.8

Speed up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions.

21.138 Descargas

action_csv 0.1.5

Easy to Export CSV from Active Record Models. Not only for exporting CSV, But also upl...

12.122 Descargas

actiondebug 1.0.0

actiondebug is a utility that can give you more insight into the structure of your ...

4.951 Descargas

action_decorator 0.0.1

Simple Decorator Pattern for more Object-Oriented Views in Rails

4.699 Descargas

action_dialog 0.1.0

This is my longer description

2.746 Descargas

action_director 0.0.3

Directs objects' behaviors

12.138 Descargas

action_dispatch-disable_x_xss_protection 0.1.0

This gem disables the X-XSS-Protection header which Action Dispatch sets by default.

81.381 Descargas

action_dispatch-gz_static 0.0.3

Serves the .gz files that are created by the asset precompiler

56.888 Descargas

action_dispatch-http-content_disposition 0.1.0

Backport to older Rails

61.280 Descargas

action_dispatch_test_predicates 0.1.0

Restores response predicates removed from ActionDispatch::TestResponse in Rails 6

127.488 Descargas

action_dispatch-test_response-json 6.2.1

This gem provide response.json or response.html on your test.

21.952 Descargas

actiondoc 0.4.0

Ruby Gem to generate documentation for GitHub Actions

1.278 Descargas

action-draft 0.4.0

Action Draft brings your ActiveRecord model to storage multiple draft attributes withou...

13.582 Descargas

action_encrypt 0.2.1

Easily add encrypted fields to your models.

14.502 Descargas

actioner 0.0.1


2.486 Descargas

action_event 0.0.3

A framework for asynchronous message processing in a Rails application.

26.742 Descargas

action_extension 0.0.1

Add presenters and services.

4.179 Descargas

action_extractor 0.1.0

Arguments extractor for Rails actions.

1.947 Descargas

actionfacade 0.2.7

Action Facade provides a simple interface for data required by view / controller.

50.072 Descargas

action_factory 0.1.3

Your factories are now classes.

1.177 Descargas