azure-janmg-blob 3.0.0
Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Ruby
411 下載
azure-janmg-common 3.0.0
Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Ruby
409 下載
azure_jwt_auth 0.3.0
Easy way for Ruby applications to authenticate to Azure B2C/AD in order to access prote...
16,589 下載
azure_key_vault 0.19.1
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library for Ruby
311,041 下載
azure-key-vault 0.0.16
Ruby Client for Azure Key Vault
9,103 下載
azure-kusto-ruby 0.0.5
A client for the Kusto REST API
259 下載
azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api 0.5.0
Azure Log Analytics Data Collector API Ruby Client
324,553 下載
azure_media_service 0.3.0
Azure Media Service SDK for ruby
27,560 下載
azure_mgmt_adhybridhealth_service 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume AdhybridhealthService
9,307 下載
azure_mgmt_advisor 0.17.2
Microsoft Azure Advisor Services Library for Ruby
187,906 下載
azure_mgmt_alerts_management 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume AlertsManagement
12,266 下載
azure_mgmt_analysis_services 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Analysis Services Library for Ruby
44,209 下載
azure_mgmt_api_management 0.19.1
Microsoft Azure API Management Library for Ruby
63,965 下載
azure_mgmt_appconfiguration 0.17.4
Official Ruby client library to consume Appconfiguration
14,678 下載
azure_mgmt_attestation 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Attestation
9,105 下載
azure_mgmt_authorization 0.18.5
Microsoft Azure Role Based Authorization Management Client Library for Ruby
152,382 下載
azure_mgmt_automanage 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume Automanage
3,271 下載
azure_mgmt_automation 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Automation Services Library for Ruby
30,917 下載
azure_mgmt_azurestack 0.17.2
Official Ruby client library to consume Azurestack
11,278 下載
azure_mgmt_azurestack_hci 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume AzurestackHci
3,323 下載
azure_mgmt_batch 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Ruby
61,295 下載
azure_mgmt_batchai 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Batchai
9,333 下載
azure_mgmt_billing 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Billing Services Library for Ruby
31,129 下載
azure_mgmt_bot_service 0.17.2
Official Ruby client library to consume BotService
11,683 下載
azure_mgmt_cdn 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure CDN Management Client Library for Ruby
91,424 下載
azure_mgmt_cognitive_services 0.19.4
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Ruby
67,074 下載
azure_mgmt_commerce 0.17.2
Microsoft Azure Commerce Management Client Library for Ruby
237,582 下載
azure_mgmt_compute 0.22.0
Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Ruby
3,172,688 下載
azure_mgmt_confluent 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume Confluent
1,894 下載
azure_mgmt_consumption 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Consumption Services Library for Ruby
159,519 下載