RubyGems Navigation menu


activeset 0.8.6

Easily filter, sort, and paginate enumerable sets.

70,394 下载

active_set 0.1.0

Tracks the number of active objects during a certain time period in a Redis sorted set.

9,650 下载

active_setting 0.3.0

See README for full details on how to install, use, etc.

15,577 下载

active_settings 0.0.1

ActiveSettings provides an open and ad-hoc settings config for globally-accessible vari...

8,484 下载

active_shard 0.2.5

ActiveShard is a library that implements flexible sharding in ActiveRecord and Rails.

75,293 下载

activeshepherd 0.8.4

Wrangle unweildy app/models directories by unobtrusively adding the aggregate pattern i...

35,279 下载

active_shipping 2.1.1

Get rates and tracking info from various shipping carriers. Extracted from Shopify.

2,459,101 下载

active_shotgun 0.0.4

Allow using a Shotgun site as a DB for Active Model objects.

7,957 下载

active_shrine 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

607 下载

active_sierra 0.1.0

Connections and configuration for III Sierra database

4,645 下载

active_sierra_models 0.1.2


7,860 下载

active_similar 0.2.0

Find similar Active Record models through most common associations.

1,485 下载

active_skin 0.0.13

active_admin skin

1,545,392 下载

activeslave 0.0.1

monitor mysql slave

8,789 下载

activesms 0.6.1

Active SMS is a framework for sending and receiving SMS messages

28,352 下载

active_sms 0.2.1

Easily send sms using various sms backends!

10,455 下载

active_sms-backend-aws 0.0.1

ActiveSMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery

3,170 下载

active_sms-backend-smsru 0.0.3

ActiveSMS backend for service

5,461 下载

active_smsgate 0.0.5

Active Smsgate

36,960 下载

active_snapshot 0.4.0

Dead simple snapshot versioning for ActiveRecord models and associations.

67,566 下载

activesorting 0.8.3

Adds ability to sort models using a custom field

28,678 下载

active_sort_order 0.9.5

The "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve.

11,011 下载

activesp 0.1.0

An object-oriented interface to SharePoint that uses the web services provided by Share...

57,469 下载

activespec 0.1

Ruby Specification Library

10,202 下载

activesplit 9001.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,080 下载

active_spy 1.4.4

Watch for a method call in any class and run before/after callbacks. You can even w...

92,975 下载

active_sql 2.0.1

Easy to work with mysql from ruby and rails

17,755 下载

active_sql_bindings 0.0.6

You can use native PostgreSQL query with named bindings

12,959 下载

active_state 0.1.0

A simple gem for easily using the state design pattern in Rails.

2,676 下载

active_status 1.0.0

Description of RailsStatusCheck.

3,608 下载