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active_model-inherited_partials 0.1.3

A Rails Engine to let models inherit partials until overridden.

1,093 下载

activemodel-interdependence 0.0.1

Interdependent model validations

4,348 下载

activemodel-ip_address_validator 0.1.1

ActiveModel validator for ip address.

5,637 下载

activemodel-ipaddr_validator 0.0.2

A IPv4 and IPv6 validator for Rails 3 and 4.

83,786 下载

active_model_jobs 0.2.2

Enqueue background jobs from model classes

5,295 下载

active_model-jobs 0.2.2

This gem has been renamed active_model_jobs.

14,695 下载

activemodel_json_validator 0.1.2

A simple json validator based on ActiveModel.

7,135 下载

active_model_lint-rspec 0.0.1

Provides the ActiveModel::Lint::Tests for test-unit or minitest an RSpec shared example.

5,631 下载

active_model_listener 0.2.5

Simple, global ActiveRecord event observers, using a middleware architecture, that can ...

56,533 下载

activemodel-logger_attributes 0.1.2

Provides a Logger::LogDevice that can save Ruby Logger messages to an array in your model

9,687 下载

active_model_normalizr 1.0.0

Render your JSON in a Normalizr-like JSON format

11,789 下载

activemodel_object_info 0.3.4

Build a hash based on active record attributes.

5,416 下载

active_model_otp 2.3.4

Adds methods to set and authenticate against one time passwords 2FA(Two factor Authenti...

5,710,824 下载

active_model-password 1.0.3

Simple password model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model

16,464 下载

active_model-password_reset 1.0.9

Simple password reset model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model

43,037 下载

active_model-permalink 0.0.1

ActiveModel::Permalink generates permalinks for your ActiveModel objects, including sup...

4,475 下载

active_model_persistence 0.5.0

Adds in-memory persistence to ActiveModel models

6,968 下载

active_model_policy 0.0.1

Policy implementation for rails

9,257 下载

active_model_presenter 0.1.2

Presenters and Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is the second most useful pattern after Servi...

4,701 下载


Enhances application models with a simple and unobtrusive Presenter pattern implementat...

1,843 下载

active_model_pusher 0.0.1

Making it easy to use Pusher with your models

9,460 下载

active_model-relation 0.2.0

This library allows querying of collections of Ruby objects, with a similar interface t...

352 下载

active_model_secure_token 1.0.0

HasSecureToken provides you an easily way to geneatre uniques random tokens for any mod...

5,073 下载

active_model_serializer_helpers 0.4.1.pre.alpha

Active Model Serializer RSpec Helpers and Matchers

9,732 下载

active_model_serializer-matchers 0.1.0

RSpec matchers for ActiveModel::Serializers

18,527 下载

active_model_serializer_plus 1.1.0

Adds methods for automatic deserialization from standard JSON and XML, and a variant im...

6,771 下载

active_model_serializers 0.10.14

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

99,631,631 下载

active_model_serializers_binary 0.2.1

active_model_serializers_binary is a declarative way to serialize/deserialize ActiveMod...

19,136 下载

active_model_serializers-cancan 0.0.2

CanCan integration with Active Model Serializers

83,967 下载

active_model_serializers_cancancan 0.5.0

CanCanCan integration with Active Model Serializers

100,975 下载