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audited-timeline 2.0.0

audited-timeline provides timeline frontend to audited

24,374 下载

audited-ui 0.1.0

A UI for Audited.

992 下载

audited_views 0.0.7

Views and controls for audited records

14,429 下载

audite-lib 0.4.5

Portable mp3 player built on mpg123 and portaudio

14,451 下载

auditing 1.4.0

acts_as_versioned is good. This allows an attribute level rollback instead

52,330 下载

auditing-middleware 0.0.3

Logging trace events in Rack Middleware

3,918 下载

auditlog 0.0.2

Rails gem to track active record model changes. Allows user to track action based model...

7,771 下载

audit_log 0.0.12

Logs of model changes, including nested attributes.

41,752 下载

audit-log 1.2.0

Trail audit logs (Operation logs) into the database for user behaviors, including a web...

104,766 下载

audit_loggable 1.1.0

Log changes to your models

5,291 下载

audit_logger 1.1.0

Logger which creates additional files for a more orderly logging information in Rails a...

6,232 下载

audit_log_parser 0.1.3

It is a library for parsing.

134,762 下载

audit_log_parser-aeber 0.1.4

It is a library for parsing.

456 下载

audit_model 0.3

With gem audit_model you can log all changes to your models.

7,745 下载

auditor 2.3.4

Auditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...

70,937 下载

auditor_tenancy 2.4.0

Auditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...

4,953 下载

auditrail 0.0.4

Track changes on Active Record models based on ActiveSupport::Callbacks and ActiveModel...

15,195 下载

audit_rails 2.0.10

An action based auditor, which has internal as well as outgoing link tracking. Provides...

109,316 下载

audit_record 0.1.5

A simple gem built for Rails 3+ which creates an audit when events that you configure o...

26,530 下载

audits 0.1.0

This gem enhances ActiveRecord::Base and creates a new method 'audits :column1, :column...

6,748 下载

audits1984 0.1.7

Rails engine that implements a simple auditing tool for console1984 sessions

373,023 下载

audit_tables 1.0.2

Adds audit tables and triggers for postgres databases

7,009 下载

audit_tracker 0.1.0

AuditTracker helps you centralize data tracking configuration to be used across differe...

24,606 下载

audit_trail 0.1.0

tracks_changes provides a way to easily keep track of changes to ActiveRecord models at...

9,319 下载

audit-trail 0.0.1

Requires only no-sql storage

3,708 下载

audit_trails 0.0.2

Description of AuditTrails.

13,753 下载

audit_weasel 0.0.3

Uses created_by_user_id and updated_by_user_id to store the changes made to a recor...

8,371 下载

audrey 0.3.2

The world's easiest database

7,585 下载

audrey2 0.3.1

Audrey 2.0 is a command-line utility for customizable feed processing, aggregation, and...

28,607 下载

audrey_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,308 下载