RubyGems Navigation menu


acts_as_holdable 0.1.3

Description of ActsAsHoldable.

6,578 下载

acts_as_html_sanitized 0.0.1

Sanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes.

4,584 下载

acts_as_human 3.0.2

Rails plugin to handle first_name, middle_names and last_name combinations.

43,922 下载

acts_as_human_name 0.0.2

Easy way to display people's names

18,562 下载

acts_as_icontact 0.4.3

ActsAsIcontact connects Ruby applications with the iContact e-mail marketing service us...

94,173 下载

acts_as_identifier 1.3.0

Auto-generate unique identifier value for Active Record

16,569 下载

acts_as_immutable 1.0.0

A Rails plugin that will ensure an ActiveRecord object is immutable once saved. Optiona...

203,490 下载

acts_as_importable 0.4.5

Use this gem to add import/export to .csv functionality to your activerecord models

57,278 下载

acts_as_important 0.4.0

Allows the you track what records are important to users and why.

14,568 下载

acts_as_indexable 0.0.1

ActsAsIndexable is a Rails engine that provides a configurable DSL for rendering tables...

3,567 下载

acts_as_indexed 0.9.0

Acts As Indexed is a plugin which provides a pain-free way to add fulltext search to yo...

675,571 下载

acts_as_inheritable 0.9.0

This gem will let you inherit any attribute or relation from the parent model.

30,445 下载

acts_as_inheritance_root 0.1.0

Using PostgreSQL table inheritance with Rails

9,986 下载

acts_as_inquirable 0.0.1

A helper to wrap an ActiveRecord attribute with ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.

10,071 下载

acts_as_integer_infinitable 0.1.0

Use an integer field with Infinity. Use that field as normal, increment, decrement,...

9,796 下载

acts_as_interface 0.1.5

Easily define abstract methods and callbacks for superclasses and modules

54,517 下载

acts_as_interval 0.0.4

Description of ActsAsInterval.

13,294 下载

acts_as_isdoc 0.0.2

Rendering business objects in ISDOC format

12,668 下载

acts_as_itemized 0.1.3

Create virtual mutable columns on activerecord models.

30,392 下载

acts_as_javascript 0.0.1

A gem to ease development by making Ruby behave more like Javascript

2,824 下载

acts_as_joinable 1.3.3

Adds access control to objects by giving them members, each with configurable permissions.

20,645 下载

acts-as-joinable 0.2.6

DRYing up Many-to-Many Relationships in ActiveRecord

229,245 下载

acts_as_journalized 3.3.0

Plug-in uses for tracking and recording changes of attributes in model

6,654 下载

acts_as_kaltura 1.3.2

Acts as kaltura

94,928 下载

acts_as_keyed 1.0.0

A simple plugin that automatically generates a key for a model on create. It takes care...

93,832 下载

acts_as_keywordable 0.0.9

real quick gem to add keywords across multiple models

8,647 下载

acts_as_kiai 0.0.1


4,733 下载

acts_as_king 0.0.2

Hierarchical ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_tree. Trees are shady.

18,000 下载

acts_as_label 1.1.7

This acts_as extension implements a system label and a friendly label on a class and ce...

137,122 下载


Super Complex Layouts in Rails with single Configuration file

9,764 下载