RubyGems Navigation menu


activityko 0.1.0

An activity logger for rails 5 that provides view helpers to render basic format of act...

2,715 下載

activitylog 1.7.0

Coming soon

85,918 下載

activity_log 0.0.5

Provides a simple activity logging and retrieval facility

24,557 下載

activity-log 0.1.0

Rails Activity Logger

2,576 下載

activity-logger 0.5.0

Uses the Dynarex-daily gem to log notices for the day

119,161 下載

activity-mailer 0.0.8

Mandrill Templating Service Helper

15,462 下載

activity_mapper 0.1.0

A framework for aggregating (public) social activity into a single polymorphic persiste...

10,111 下載

activity_notification 2.3.2

Integrated user activity notifications for Ruby on Rails. Provides functions to configu...

754,987 下載

activity_permission_engine 0.0.1

Allow you to map roles to activities and to check for allowance

6,174 下載

activity_provider 0.1.0

Activity Provider for store data of education in LRS (Learning Record Store) based on x...

3,355 下載

activitypub 0.5.5

Basic serialization/deserialization of ActivityStreams/ActivityPub objects

3,265 下載

activitypub-rails 0.1.0

ActivityPub engine for Ruby on Rails

2,549 下載

activity_stream 0.1.0

Rails plugin to add activity streams for your users, highly opinionated.

27,610 下載

activity_stream_client 0.1.1

This is client library for padma-ActivityStream-ws

104,612 下載

activitystreams 0.0.4

A RubyGem for ActivityStreams Publishers

33,160 下載

activity_streams 0.2.2

Ruby module to eat and parse ActivityStreams in various formats

42,305 下載

activity_thrift_client 0.0.1

activity_thrift_client is a thrift client of activity-configuration-service

4,585 下載

activityutils 0.1.2

activityutils - activity (timeline) utilities

127,468 下載

activoate 0.8.1

Helps to use Activo 2 theme on Rails 3 applications and provides handy helpers and gene...

55,894 下載

activo-rails 1.0.1

Provides Rails integration for the Activo web app theme.

19,703 下載

activr 1.0.1

Activity Streams system by Fotonauts.

8,406 下載

actn-api 0.0.5 API

17,832 下載

actn-db 0.0.4 DB

14,656 下載

actn-jobs 0.0.4 Jobs

14,468 下載

act-on 0.0.1

Small wrapper for act-on's api

6,064 下載

actor 0.1.0

A simple implementation of the actor pattern

4,809 下載

actor_model 0.0.0

an attempt to implement actor model within Ruby language and Rails framework.

4,748 下載

actors 0.1.0

Actors is a simple library that provides an alternative to pub/sub and actors-model pat...

3,614 下載

actor_sync 0.1.3

Automatically synchronise actor information to your third party systems e.g. Mixpanel, ...

1,635 下載

actory 0.0.3

Actor model like, concurrent and distributed framework for Ruby.

9,105 下載