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authlogic_rpx 1.2.0

Authlogic extension/plugin that provides RPX ( authentication support

38,350 下載

auth_logic_user_session_helper 3.0.0

Convenience methods for use with AuthLogic and Rails. :current_user, user? etc

15,115 下載

authlogic_vkontakte 0.1.1

Bind vkontakte authentication to your authlogic project

10,437 下載

authlogic_wind 0.4.0

Authlogic plugin for WIND

40,545 下載

authmac 2.0.2

Single Sign-On implementation based on HMAC.

41,598 下載

authman 1.1.0

Software TOTP generator

6,961 下載

auth_manager 0.0.7

"Authenticate developpers and applications."

23,493 下載

authmotion 0.1

you can authenticate a user this gem

4,240 下載

authn 3.8.4

An incredibly bare bones authentication library

44,758 下載

authn-activation 1.8.2

The plugin library for AuthN and Rails

9,099 下載

auth_net_receiver 1.0.1

AuthNetReceiver is an endpoint and processor for Authorize.Net Silent Post transactions

13,716 下載

authn-rails 1.8.0

The rails integration for authn

28,790 下載

autho 0.0.4

A many-stop shop for authentication.

15,649 下載

authograph 1.0.5

HTTP request signing and validation library with support for header signing and multipl...

48,058 下載

authonomy 1.0.0

Flexible authentication solution for Rails

3,580 下載

author 1.2.0.alpha

Quickly create ebooks using Markdown

23,382 下載

authorails 1.0.0

AuthoRails is a framework for generating authorizations,tables,relations,scaffolds and ...

6,127 下載

authoraise 0.1.3

Authorize without false negatives.

14,609 下載

author_engine 0.9.0

Create arcade style games quickly and easily

19,412 下載

authoreyes 0.2.4

A powerful, modern authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails featu...

20,084 下載


Auth Origin Control checks the origin of the request at app entry

70,820 下載

authorio 0.8.7

Rails engine to add IndieAuth authentication endpoint functionality

10,614 下載

authoritah 0.1.2

A description of a really simple authorization plugin for Rails.

39,732 下載

authoritarian 0.1.0

A command line OAuth authorization tool.

5,400 下載

authority 3.3.0

Authority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very ...

7,638,850 下載

authority_engine 0.1.5

Authentication engine for AIHS

5,658 下載

authorizable 0.9.2

A gem for rails giving vast flexibility in authorization management.

10,118 下載

authorization 1.0.12

Rails 3 compatible rails-authorization-plugin gem

12,883 下載

authorization3.0 0.1.0

Converted plugin to gem which will work with association as well.

2,978 下載

authorization-endpoint 0.1.5

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s authorizati...

12,279 下載