RubyGems Navigation menu


adapter-postgres 0.1.1

Postgres adapter for adapter gem. Uses the HSTORE data type. See adapter for more info.

7,352 下載

adapter-pstore 0.1.0

Add pstore support to adapter

4,756 下載

adapter-redis 0.5.1

Adapter for redis

36,663 下載

adapter-registry 0.0.4

Simple adapter registry

18,346 下載

adapter-riak 0.5

Adapter for riak

7,525 下載

adapter-simpledb 0.1.1

Adapter for Amazon SimpleDB

13,009 下載

adapter-sqlite3 0.1.0

Add sqlite3 support to adapter

5,155 下載

adaptive 0.0.1

Developed at On The Beach Ltd. Contact

5,060 下載

adaptive_alias 1.3.0

Extend attribute_alias and make it be adaptive with realtime database schema

11,955 下載

adaptiveconfiguration 1.0.0.beta07

AdaptiveConfiguration is an elegant, lightweight and simple, yet powerful Ruby gem that...

455 下載

adaptive-evil-blocks-rails 0.1.3

Adaptivity support for Evil Blocks

11,729 下載

adaptive_pay 0.1.1

Wrapper around the Paypal Adaptive Payments API

14,481 下載

adaptly-cube 0.0.1

A simple gem that extends cube-ruby for Adaptly

6,528 下載

adaptor 0.2.1

Adaptor makes it easy to implement the Adapter pattern in Ruby.

26,830 下載

adaptrex 0.9.34

Command Line Tools For Adaptrex

16,169 下載

adash 0.0.6

Adash is a Dash Replenishment Service CLI client. You will login with OAuth (Login with...

12,341 下載

adassault 0.0.3

An Active Directory environments pentest tool complementary to existing ones like NetExec

540 下載

ada_truthy 1.2.0

Create truth tables and let truthy handle the annoying part. Also, operate with logical...

1,007 下載

adauth 2.0.5

A full featured library for working with Microsofts Active Directory in Ruby.

155,681 下載

adavidev_batch_api 0.2.1

A Batch API plugin that provides a RESTful syntax, allowing clients to make any number ...

6,365 下載

ADB 0.5.6

Simple wrapper over Android Debug Bridge command-line tool

113,430 下載

adbc 1.0.1

Another Database Cleaner

4,495 下載

adb_device 0.3.0

Get from connected Android devices brand, model, OS version and many more usefull info....

7,341 下載

adb_driver 0.0.1

A driver with Seleium-like interface to interact with Android devices directly via ADB

2,582 下載

adb_extended 0.4.0

Extended functionality for adb when working with multiple connected devices

8,818 下載

adb-peco 2.0.3

Run adb command with peco

12,834 下載

adb-sdklib 0.0.3

Ruby library for basic access to Android devices through ADB using ddmlib.jar which is ...

11,982 下載

adbsync 0.0.0

Syncronize production datatase with local with one command

6,427 下載

adc 0.0.1

omg is adc up yet

4,979 下載

adcdownload 0.1.2

This gem helps you download files from Apple Developer Center.

13,268 下載