zeitwerk 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk
fear 3.0.0
Ruby port of some Scala's monads.
486,565 下載
kennel 1.152.1
Keep datadog monitors/dashboards/etc in version control, avoid chaotic management via UI
478,241 下載
aws-mfa-secure 0.4.5
Adds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user
438,215 下載
graphql_devise 1.5.0
GraphQL queries and mutations on top of devise_token_auth
426,854 下載
coalescing_panda 5.3.0
Canvas LTI and OAUTH2 mountable engine
376,294 下載
h3 3.7.2
C Bindings for Uber's H3 library
350,397 下載
lokalise_manager 5.1.2
This gem contains a collection of some common tasks for Lokalise. Specifically, it allo...
346,121 下載
stoplight-admin 0.4.0
A simple administration interface for Stoplight.
345,488 下載
ufo 6.3.13
AWS ECS Deploy Tool
339,812 下載
nanoc-core 4.13.1
Contains the core of Nanoc
335,419 下載
orbit_activities 0.2.3
This gem helps you build custom activities for Orbit workspaces using the Orbit API
324,591 下載
ruby-paseto 0.1.2
Platform Agnostic SEcurity TOkens are a specification for secure stateless tokens. ...
320,655 下載
dor-services-client 15.2.0
A client for dor-services-app
317,888 下載
lono 7.5.2
The CloudFormation Framework
313,230 下載
uuid7 0.2.0
Implementation of UUID v7
307,163 下載
nanoc-cli 4.13.1
Provides the CLI for Nanoc
292,177 下載
gemsmith 22.10.0
A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.
281,202 下載
neo4j-ruby-driver 4.4.16
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
280,402 下載
card 1.108.0
Cards are wiki-inspired data atoms.Card "Sharks" use links, nests, types, patterned nam...
267,243 下載
cocina-models 0.99.0
SDR data models that can be validated
230,423 下載
runcom 11.10.0
A XDG enhanced run command manager for command line interfaces.
228,168 下載
wechat 0.17.5
API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails
227,930 下載
meetup_orbit 0.1.1
This gem brings in Meetup activities to your Orbit workspace
222,310 下載
serverlessgems 0.4.1
Client Library works with Serverless Gems API for Jets Ruby Serverless Framework
214,797 下載
terraspace_plugin_azurerm 0.7.1
Terraspace Azurerm Cloud Plugin
214,092 下載
bc-lightstep-ruby 2.7.0
Gem for lightstep distributed tracing
201,121 下載
learn-test 3.3.1
Runs RSpec, Karma, Mocha, and Python Pytest Test builds and pushes JSON output to Learn.
200,142 下載
bridgetown-core 1.3.4
Bridgetown is a next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powe...
190,275 下載
isomorfeus-react 16.13.12
Write React Components in Ruby.
188,780 下載
view_component-form 0.2.9
Rails FormBuilder for ViewComponent
188,487 下載