yardstick 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 yardstick
garcun 0.1.1
A useful collection of methods to make cooking more fun
25,022 下载
gamera 0.1.9
Provides a framework which lets you wrap any web page with a Ruby API.
19,790 下载
zombie_battleground-api 0.7.1
An implemenetation of the ZombieBattleground public API
19,620 下载
gday 0.0.6
A gem developed as a learning experience.
18,238 下载
chef_stash 0.1.6
Chef Key/value stash cache hash objects store.
18,186 下载
github_pages_rake_tasks 1.0.1
A Rake task to publish documentation like yard or mkdocs to GitHub Pages. The rake tas...
17,812 下载
decorations 1.1.1
Python like decorators for Ruby
17,000 下载
guard-yardstick 1.0.0
Guard::Yardstick automatically checks your code for missing yardocs when files are mod...
16,475 下载
http-rest_client 0.2.0
A HTTP/REST Client to help you wrap APIs easily.
14,878 下载
ligo 0.2.0
Ligo: virtual accessories for Android
14,195 下载
rspec-side_effects 0.3.0
DSL to make testing side effects clear and explicit.
12,169 下载
detroit-yardstick 0.4.1
Yardstick plugin for Detroit build system. This plugin generates a documentation cover...
10,777 下载
yoti_sandbox 1.4.0
This gem contains the tools you need to test your Ruby back-end integration.
10,535 下载
kankri 0.1.2
Kankri is a library for quickly setting up basic authentication with object-action ...
9,455 下载
create_github_release 2.1.2
A script that manages your gem version and creates a GitHub branch, PR, and release for...
9,037 下载
fluxx 0.1.5
This a simple SDK for the Fluxx.io V2 API
8,048 下载
tuga 0.6.1
A Portuguese script programming language meant for educational purposes.
7,456 下载
jace 0.1.1
Gem focused on events for meta-programing
7,454 下载
active_model_persistence 0.5.0
Adds in-memory persistence to ActiveModel models
7,388 下载
develry 0.0.3
A metagem for ROM-style development
7,256 下载
ruby_git 0.2.0
7,070 下载
holla_back 0.1.0
A simple Ruby gem for providing a response standard to your libraries
7,047 下载
mercy 1.6.0
Gem for easy health check
6,982 下载
snmputils 0.0.2
Functional wrappers for Dave Halliday's ruby-snmp
6,377 下载
dr_light 0.0.3
Gem for science tools
6,204 下载
tide-api 0.4.0
Client for Tide's bank RESTful API
5,917 下载
central-devtools 0.8.4
Shared development tasks for project Central Machine
5,895 下载
ec2_meta 0.1.1
AWS Metadata API client library. This gem is available only on AWS EC2 instance.
5,167 下载
nostr 0.7.0
Client and relay implementation of the Nostr protocol.
4,642 下载
paylike.rb 0.1.0
Ruby SDK for working with Paylike payment services.
4,590 下载