RubyGems Navigation menu

yajl-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 yajl-ruby

fleet 0.1.7

Ruby client for FleetDB.

32,495 下載

jdc 0.2.7

Friendly command-line interface for Jing Dong Foundry.

32,480 下載

couchrest_changes 0.2.2

Watches the couch database for changes and triggers callbacks defined for creation, del...

32,367 下載

fluent-plugin-loggly-syslog 0.1.0

Fluentd syslog output plugin for Loggly

31,989 下載

nerd_quiz 0.2.2

Test your nerd skills by answering NerdPursuit questions!

31,876 下載

jetel 0.0.18

Jetel - Custom made ETL for specific needs

31,737 下載

small_wonder 0.1.10

A Deployment Tool

31,617 下載

gitmodel 0.0.8

GitModel persists Ruby objects using Git as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveModel ...

31,015 下載

json2yaml 0.0.3

Convert between JSON and YAML in CLI

30,928 下載

analytico 0.3.3

Ruby client for the Analytico impression and app metric tracking service.

30,753 下載

unified_db 0.2.7

Scrapper for multiple Movie Databases

30,227 下載

rollout-zk 1.0.1

A ZooKeeper storage adapter for rollout.

30,163 下載

analysand 4.0.0

A terrible burden for a couch

30,141 下載

jekyll-emoji 1.0.3

A plug-n-play Jekyll plugin to enable emoji support in your site. See documentatio...

29,829 下載

elasticsearch-client 0.1.1

ElasticSearch ruby client.

29,823 下載

aws-dynamodb-query 0.1.16

Executes low level API DynamoDB Query with less memory. Visit

29,695 下載

da_face 0.0.12

Interface to interact with Datasift API and get pretty data from them.

29,618 下載

omniauth-tent 0.2.1

Omniauth Strategy for Tent

29,514 下載

www_app 2.3.0

A DSL to create HTML/CSS/JS apps using Ruby.

29,455 下載

surely 0.4

Surely watches your screenshots directory and upload new files to your imgur account.

29,333 下載

cas_client 0.2.5

Helpers, controllers and middleware to implement a CAS client app

29,018 下載

extraloop 0.0.8

A Ruby library for extracting data from websites and web based APIs. Supports most comm...

28,886 下載

handlebar_wax 0.2.0

HandlebarWax is a gem that makes rails understand mustache templates, and exposes them ...

28,723 下載

zas-service 0.2.0

ZeroAS provides an authentication service that uses 0mq as its transport protocol

28,712 下載

zemanta_client 0.0.9

This is a ruby client for Zemanta api.

28,589 下載

danthes 2.0.1

Private pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye. More Faye features supported. Based on...

28,577 下載

githu3 0.0.8

Ruby wrapper for GitHub's v3 API

28,478 下載

fluent-plugin-out-http-ext 0.1.10

A generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint with SSL and Header op...

28,464 下載

safubot 0.0.9

A friendly event-driven chatbot framework. Supports Twitter and XMPP.

28,332 下載

capistrano-alice 0.0.7

This makes deploying apps to alice/pluto much easier.

28,327 下載

總下載次數 76,134,758

這個版本 22,613,370



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
