RubyGems Navigation menu

yajl-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 yajl-ruby

jim 0.3.3

jim is your friendly javascript library manager. He downloads, stores, bundles, vendors...

49,790 下載

shushu 0.1.16

A ruby wrapper around Shushu's HTTP API.

48,985 下載

gnip_api 1.2.4

GnipApi will allow you to interact with most Gnip APIs and data.

48,715 下載

mywowarmory-ruby 0.2.1

This library uses HTTParty to provide simple, reliable access to the MyWoWArmory API. G...

48,592 下載

audit 0.7.3

Audit sits on top of your model objects and watches for changes to your data. When a ch...

48,198 下載

fluent-plugin-macos-log 0.0.3

Fluentd input plugin for MacOS unified log

47,559 下載

resque-multi-step 2.0.9

Provides multi-step tasks with finalization and progress tracking

47,286 下載

yup 0.2.1

Just answers 200 (or specified) to a client and asynchronously forwards HTTP request to...

46,009 下載

five_mobile_push 0.4.7

API wrapper for Five Mobile Push notification service

45,323 下載

janky 0.12.0

Janky is a Continuous Integration server

45,001 下載

elastic_manager 0.3.6

Manager for logstash indices in elastic

44,688 下載

oauth2-provider 0.0.19

OAuth2 Provider, extracted from

44,558 下載

fluent-plugin-mqtt 0.0.9

fluentd input plugin for mqtt server

43,789 下載

execache 0.2.0

Run commands in parallel and cache the output. Redis queues jobs and stores the result.

43,740 下載

tbone 0.4.3

Library for mixing together requirejs backbone and twitter bootstrap

43,672 下載

fluidinfo 0.6.2

This gem provides a simple interface to fluidinfo, built on top of the rest-client gem.

43,453 下載

birdgrinder 0.1.5

Evented Twitter Library of Doom

42,843 下載

schemata-dea 0.0.1.beta20

Specify schema for DEA messages and validate messages against defined schema

42,172 下載

resto 0.1.5

Restful Web Service

41,249 下載

fluent-plugin-aliyun-odps 0.1.7

Aliyun ODPS output plugin for Fluentd event collector

41,193 下載

cogbot 0.1.14

Irc bot based on Cinch

41,072 下載

zas-client 0.2.0

Client for communicating with ZeroAS

40,792 下載

shove 1.0.8

Client side implementation for the API. See

40,082 下載

githubwatcher 0.1.1

Github Growl Watcher, watch any project and receive growl notification for updates, new...

40,080 下載

droonga-client 0.2.2

Droonga client for Ruby

40,025 下載

calamum 1.2.2

REST API documentation generator

39,773 下載

opentox-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

39,615 下載

openils-mapper 0.9.9

Middleware layer to provide translation between high-level JSON and raw EDIFACT messages

39,366 下載

resque-director 2.2.4

resque plugin for automatically scaling workers based on the amount of time it takes a ...

39,319 下載

chirpstream 0.1.0

Eventmachine-based Chirpstream client

39,309 下載

總下載次數 75,895,578

這個版本 22,393,003



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
