xhtml_report_generator 2.2.0
The generator can be used to create html or xhtml files. It comes with many utility functions.
Example usage
gen1 = XhtmlReportGenerator::Generator.new
gen1.heading("h1", {"class" => "bothtoc"}) {"titel"}
gen1.heading("h2") {"subtitel"}
gen1.heading("h3") {"section"}
gen1.content({"class"=>"bold"}) {"content function: Hallo welt <br /> html test <span class="r" >red span test</span>"}
gen1.html("<p class="italic">html function: Hallo welt <br /> html test <span class="r" >red span test<span></p>")
The javascript to render the table of contents, the custom generator functions and style sheet all can be supplied by your own, if necessary. By default there are methods to insert tables, links, paragraphs, preformatted text and arbitrary xhtml code. Due to the xml nature it is also easy to insert SVG graphs / pictures.