xhtml_report_generator 2.0.0
The generator can be used to create xhtml files. It comes with some default utility functions.
Here is an example usage
gen1 = XhtmlReportGenerator::Generator.new
gen1.heading("h1", {"class" => "bothtoc"}) {"titel"}
gen1.heading("h2") {"subtitel"}
gen1.heading("h3") {"section"}
gen1.content() {"content function: Hallo welt <br /> html test <span class="r" >red span test</span>", {"class"=>"bold"}}
gen1.html("<p class="italic">html function: Hallo welt <br /> html test <span class="r" >red span test</span></p>")
The javascript to render the table of contents, the custom generator functions and style sheet all can be supplied by your own, if necessary.