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wgit 0.3.0

Fundamentally, Wgit is a HTTP indexer/scraper which crawls URL's to retrieve and serialise their page contents for later use. You can use Wgit to copy entire websites if required. Wgit also provides a means to search indexed documents stored in a database. Therefore, this library provides the main components of a WWW search engine. The Wgit API is easily extended allowing you to pull out the parts of a webpage that are important to you, the code snippets or tables for example. As Wgit is a library, it supports many different use cases including data mining, analytics, web indexing and URL parsing to name a few.




  1. 0.12.0 October 30, 2024 (65,5 KB)
  2. 0.11.0 January 19, 2024 (56,5 KB)
  3. 0.10.8 August 18, 2023 (51 KB)
  4. 0.10.7 December 01, 2022 (50,5 KB)
  5. 0.10.6 July 27, 2022 (50,5 KB)
  6. 0.3.0 October 08, 2019 (27,5 KB)
Toon alle versies (40 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (3):

addressable ~> 2.6.0
mongo ~> 2.9.0
nokogiri ~> 1.10.3

Development afhankelijkheden (10):

byebug ~> 10.0
dotenv ~> 2.5
httplog ~> 1.3
inch ~> 0.8
maxitest ~> 3.3
pry ~> 0.12
rake ~> 12.3
rubocop ~> 0.74
webmock ~> 3.6
yard >= 0.9.20, < 1.0


Pushed by:


  • Michael Telford

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 59.896

Voor deze versie 1.743

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: ~> 2.5
