RubyGems Navigation menu

webmock 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 webmock

gitlab-triage 1.43.2

GitLab triage automation project.

10,803,624 下载

stripe_event 2.9.0

Stripe webhook integration for Rails applications.

10,677,051 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_pack 0.9.0

ActionPack instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

10,627,340 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-faraday 0.24.5

Faraday instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

10,623,772 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-net_http 0.22.6

Net::HTTP instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

10,591,721 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_record 0.7.2

ActiveRecord instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

10,489,459 下载

fluent-plugin-newrelic 1.2.3

Sends FluentD events to New Relic

10,433,777 下载

fog-internet-archive 0.0.2

Module for the 'fog' gem to support Internet Archive.

10,299,721 下载

mailgun-ruby 1.2.14

Mailgun's Official Ruby SDK for interacting with the Mailgun API.

10,226,469 下载

skylight 6.0.4

Skylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.

10,190,026 下载

coverband 6.1.2

Rack middleware to measure production code usage (LOC runtime usage)

10,144,477 下载

google-ads-common 2.0.1

Essential utilities shared by all Ads Ruby client libraries

10,140,967 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_support 0.5.3

ActiveSupport instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

9,924,607 下载


LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies, detect the lic...

9,882,303 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.30.2

Rails instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

9,780,934 下载

telesign 2.2.4

TeleSign Ruby SDK

9,655,747 下载

faraday_middleware-aws-signers-v4 0.1.9

Faraday middleware for AWS Signature Version 4.

9,592,462 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_view 0.7.0

ActionView instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

9,415,951 下载

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.29.1

A collection of test-related tools.

9,276,965 下载

avro_turf 1.15.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

9,118,838 下载

fluent-plugin-splunk-hec 1.3.3

A fluentd output plugin created by Splunk that writes events to splunk indexers over ...

8,881,453 下载

telesignenterprise 2.2.2

TeleSign Enterprise Ruby SDK

8,738,192 下载

github_api 0.19.0

Ruby client that supports all of the GitHub API methods. It"s build in a modular way, t...

8,608,264 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-http 0.23.3

HTTP instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

8,581,606 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql 0.28.2

GraphQL instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

8,567,689 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_client 0.22.6

HttpClient instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

8,369,002 下载

app_store_connect 0.38.0

A Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API

8,183,630 下载

rspec_api_documentation 6.1.0

Generate API docs from your test suite

8,160,077 下载

logstash-output-elasticsearch 11.22.7

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

8,156,240 下载

devise-authy 2.3.1

Authy plugin to add two factor authentication to Devise. This gem is deprecated, please...

8,070,252 下载

下载总量 264,400,258

这个版本 2,256,842



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
