RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour webmock Latest version of the following gems require webmock

saml-kit 1.3.0

A simple toolkit for working with SAML.

255 020 Téléchargements

grpc-web 1.2.1

Host gRPC-Web endpoints for Ruby gRPC services in a Rack or Rails app(over HTTP/1.1). C...

254 234 Téléchargements

pebblebed 0.4.11

Development tools for working with Pebblebed

253 291 Téléchargements

decidim-dev 0.29.1

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

252 580 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-kubernetes 0.3.1

Output filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

251 152 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-tpa 2.2.0

TPA gives you advanced user behaviour analytics, app distribution, crash analytics and ...

249 828 Téléchargements

acts_as_textcaptcha 4.7.0

ActsAsTextcaptcha provides spam protection for Rails models with text-based logic que...

249 397 Téléchargements

sendbird 0.0.4

Wrapper for the Sendbird Platform API

249 183 Téléchargements

manageiq-api-client 0.5.0

This gem provides Ruby access to the ManageIQ API by exposing the ManageIQ collecti...

248 224 Téléchargements

alexa 0.7.0

Alexa Web Information Service library (AWIS)

247 227 Téléchargements

logtail-rails 0.2.8

Better Stack Rails integration

245 881 Téléchargements

cloudmersive-convert-api-client 2.3.0

Convert files and content between file formats. Convert data between file formats. Inst...

245 206 Téléchargements

enju_ndl 0.3.3

NDL WebAPI wrapper for Next-L Enju

243 177 Téléchargements

breakers 0.7.1

This is a Faraday middleware that detects backend outages and reacts to them

243 040 Téléchargements

marathon-api 2.2.0

A simple REST client for the Marathon Remote API

242 689 Téléchargements

thredded 1.1.0

The best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

241 628 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-http 1.1.0

Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint

240 723 Téléchargements

mailerlite 1.16.0

Ruby gem for MailerLite API v2

240 222 Téléchargements

frontapp 0.0.13

Ruby client for Frontapp API

238 147 Téléchargements

maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...

238 102 Téléchargements

affirm 1.1.2

Ruby client library for integrating with Affirm financing payments

237 864 Téléchargements

footrest 0.5.8

Ruby interface for restful APIs

236 367 Téléchargements

maremma 5.0.0

Ruby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapp...

236 164 Téléchargements

smooch-api 5.34.1

The Smooch API is a unified interface for powering messaging in your customer experienc...

235 898 Téléchargements

coinbase 4.2.3

Client library for Coinbase Wallet API v2

235 365 Téléchargements

madmimi 1.1.2

Send emails, track statistics, and manage your subscriber base with ease.

234 903 Téléchargements

instagram-continued 1.4.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs

233 036 Téléchargements

format_parser 2.10.0

A Ruby library for prying open files you can convert to a previewable format, such as v...

232 904 Téléchargements

connect-sdk-ruby 3.2.0

SDK to communicate with the Worldline Global Collect platform using the Worldline Conne...

231 557 Téléchargements

hyrax 5.0.1

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

231 150 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 286 942 125

Pour cette version 2 352 028

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5
