way_of_working 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 way_of_working
way_of_working-inclusive_language-alex 1.0.1
Way of Working plugin for Inclusive Language using Alex
365 下載
way_of_working-code_of_conduct-contributor_covenant 1.0.0
Way of Working plugin for the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
162 下載
way_of_working-pull_request_template-hdi 1.0.0
Way of Working plugin for pull requests using the HDI template
161 下載
way_of_working-decision_record-madr 1.0.0
Way of Working plugin for Decision Records using MADR v3
158 下載
way_of_working-audit-github 1.0.1
Way of Working plugin for GitHub auditing
158 下載
way_of_working-code_linting-hdi 1.0.0
Way of Working plugin for HDI code linting using MegaLinter and Rubocop
152 下載