Dépendances inversées pour vpim Latest version of the following gems require vpim
A library for reading and converting Outlook msg and pst files (mapi message stores).
1 179 168 Téléchargements
ppl 4.0.5
ppl is a command-line address book using vCard & git for storage and synchronisation
165 680 Téléchargements
reminders_txt 0.9.1
Reads and updates diary reminders from a plain text file
50 723 Téléchargements
simplevpim 0.5.4
A simple wrapper for the vPim gem.
29 691 Téléchargements
middleman-vcard 0.9.10
A Middleman extension to automatically generate VCards based on provided configurat...
25 762 Téléchargements
open_conference_ware 1.0.0.pre4
OpenConferenceWare is an open source web application for events and conferences. This c...
10 367 Téléchargements
faceoff 1.0.1
A scraper to backup your facebook account (albums, photos, notes, users, video). Why a ...
9 132 Téléchargements
vpim_icalendar 1.1
This is a virtual gem, it exists to depend on vPim, which provides iCalendar support fo...
7 956 Téléchargements
mahnve-vcard2alias 0.2
With a file of vcards, convert all cards to mutt alias format
3 505 Téléchargements
siuying-cardjour 0.1.0
Share business card (VCard) with others in LAN, using Bonjour
3 362 Téléchargements
libis-mapi 0.3.1
A library for reading and converting Outlook msg and pst files (mapi message stores).
1 754 Téléchargements
ruby-msg-nx 0.3.0
A library for reading and converting Outlook msg and pst files (mapi message stores).
1 529 Téléchargements