RubyGems Navigation menu

uuid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 uuid

aliyun_sms_ruby 0.0.5

Aliyun sms ruby sdk

5,891 下載

willbailey-flareshow 0.1.0

TODO: a ruby gem for interacting with the shareflow collaboration service by Zenbe

5,850 下載

rcqrs 0.3.0

Framework to provide cqrs + eventsourcing functionality in ruby.

5,797 下載

blipfm 0.1.0

A ruby library for the API. Developed to facilitate the development of ...

5,602 下載

ruby_kpi 0.0.2

The KPI required to access a SmartM3 Smart Space. This gem provides the standard JOIN, ...

5,550 下載

pg_funcall 0.1.1

Utility class for calling functions defined in a PostgreSQL database.

5,441 下載

xcodeproject_swift 0.3.14

XcodeProject is the Ruby API for working with Xcode project files

5,417 下載

cloudkit-jruby 0.11.2

An Open Web JSON Appliance.

5,358 下載

qiniu_form 0.0.2

Qiniu upload from

5,357 下載

dragons_keep 0.5.0

Secure Password Keeper Application

5,091 下載

caldav 0.1

Ruby client for CalDAV calendar and tasks.

5,088 下載

launchdr 3

One stop shop for launchd property list creation. The doctor is *in*!

5,019 下載

elisehuard-rsaml 0.1.2

RSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined...

5,000 下載

fatsecret 0.0.3

FatSecret API Client

4,981 下載

logstash-output-oss 0.1.2

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

4,956 下載

rdf-resource 0.0.2

It uses RDF.rb and several RDF::Vocab, with options for caching RDF resources.

4,813 下載

aloe 0.1.0

Aloe is double-entry bookkeeping engine for Rails apps

4,782 下載

yellow-api-wrapper 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for the YellowPages' Yellow API based on Ian Bishop's yellow_api gem

4,765 下載

push 0.0.1

Push is a realtime web application toolkit for building realtime Ruby web applications.

4,716 下載

padrino-fields 0.3.3

Smart fields for your forms, similar to Formtastic or SimpleForm

4,713 下載

azure-multistorage 0.6.4

Windows Azure Client Library for Ruby with multistorage account support

4,562 下載

rsaml 0.1.2

RSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined...

4,562 下載

vagrant-smartos 0.0.2pre1

SmartOS Hypervisor provider for Vagrant

4,547 下載

caldav-icloud 0.3

caldav-icloud is a Ruby client for CalDAV calendar made to work with Apple's iCloud. I...

4,516 下載

rdfobjects-changeset 0.0.1

An extension to RDFObjects to more easily work with RDF ChangeSets:

4,504 下載

rack-bug-speedtracer 0.0.1

Rack-bug SpeedTracer panel for server side debugging

4,499 下載

azure-plus 0.6.5

Windows Azure Client Library for Ruby

4,467 下載


Emailage is a Fraud Prevention Solution. This gem implements a client for the Emailage ...

4,442 下載

dnsresolver 0.0.1

A basic DNS resolver using Celluloid

4,426 下載

termkit 0.1.0

A Model-View-Controller Framework for Terminal applications.

4,413 下載

總下載次數 57,375,990

這個版本 41,191,727




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
