Dépendances inversées pour tomdoc Latest version of the following gems require tomdoc
dawnscanner 2.2.0
dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. It is especially designed...
811 413 Téléchargements
codesake-dawn 1.2.99
Codesake::Dawn is a security source code scanner for ruby powered code. Starting from J...
111 550 Téléchargements
xctasks 0.6.0
Simple project automation for the sophisticated Xcode hacker
41 430 Téléchargements
ircparser 1.0.0
A standards compliant parser for the IRCv3 message format.
29 345 Téléchargements
ooyala-v2-api 0.0.3
This gem allows the interaction with the Ooyala's API v2.
14 937 Téléchargements
codesake 0.15.1
codesake is the source code scanning engine for codesake.com
8 049 Téléchargements
metoffice_datapoint 0.0.2
Simple wrapper for the Met Office DataPoint API
7 557 Téléchargements
solarium 0.2.2
A tool for working with generation data collected from the Enphase Envoy solar panel ma...
7 226 Téléchargements
todofind 1.0.1
Find comments in files that contain certain labels
6 974 Téléchargements
trip_advisor 0.0.21
A Ruby interface for interacting with TripAdvisor development API's
5 620 Téléchargements