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tla-trace-arch 0.1.1

A set of [mustache] templates extending [tla-trace-filter] -tool to create a self extracting achieve for API traces generated, when model checking formal models created by [tla-Sbuilder] -tool. Also includes Ruby classes to extract test cases from archive extract. Use case: Formal models, built using [tla-sbuilder], and model checked using [TLA+tools]], can generate /API Traces/, which represent end-to-end scenarios executing across system services in the formal model. An API Trace is composed of steps, with each step giving 1) a (formal) system state before the API call, 2) the API call exercised together with (formal model) value bindings of request parameters, 3) API response returned, and 4) the (formal) system state after the API call. A API Trace can be mapped to /Unit Tests/ on implementation with each Unit Test corresponding a step in the API Trace. After executing each of the individual Unit Tests, the aggregate result can be interpreted as an execution of a "virtual" System Test - considerably easier than managing the execution a System Test as a single unit. The purpose of =tla-trace-arch= GEM is create a self extracting archive, which can be safely distributed to system service developers for extracting API Trace Steps to create unit tests for the service being developed by the developer. Ref: - - - -




  1. 0.1.1 February 02, 2018 (13,5 KB)
  2. 0.1.0 January 03, 2018 (11 KB)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (1):

tla-trace-filter >= 0.0.6, ~> 0.0



  • jarjuk

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 3.953

Voor deze versie 2.284

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.3, ~> 2
